What does the name "Maccabi" stand for?
"Who is like You O' G-d!"
What is the Gematria of Chanukah?
How many Brachot do we say when lighting Chanukah candles on the first night, and what are they?
1. Lehadlik ner shel Chanukah
2. She'asah Nisim l'Aavoteinu
3. Shehechiyanu
On erev Shabbos Chanukah, what is the order of events?
- Shabbos candles
- Chanukah candles
- Mincha
- Kabbolos Shabbos
1. Mincha
2. Chanukah candles
3. Shabbos candles
4. Kabbolos Shabbos
(NB: If you have run out of time and you have not yet davened Mincha, you should light Chanukah candles, Shabbos candles - have in mind that you will daven Mincha still - and then daven Mincha)
During the period of which Beit HaMikdash, did the Chanukah story take place?
2nd Beit Hamikdash
What are the letters on the Dreidel and what do they stand for?
(Israel and Chutz La'aretz)
Israel: Nun, gimmel, hey, pey
"Nes Gadol Haya Poh" - "A great miracle happened here."
Chu'll: Nun, gimmel, hey, shin
"Nes Gadol Haya Sham" - "A great miracle happened there."
What is the start and end date of Chanukah?
Start: 25th Kislev
End: 2nd Teves
Which Chodesh begins during the holiday of Chanukah?
Where should the Menorah be lit (3 options), and why?
At the entrance to the house, or window facing the street, or left side of a doorway (opposite Mezuzah).
In order to publicise the miracles of Chanukah (Pirsumei Nissa)
Doorway: to be surrounded by Mitzvos
According to the Gemara, what is the miracle of Chanukah?
That a small cup of oil which was supposed to last for one day, ended up burning for 8 days.
Who was the Kohen Gadol at the time of the Chanukah story, and who were his five sons?
Matisyahu haKohen Gadol
Eliezer, Shimon, Yochanan, Yonasan, Yehudah
List six edicts decreed against the Jews by the Yevanim:
1. No Shabbos
2. No Kosher
3. No Bris Milah
4. No blessing the new moon (no Yom Tov)
5. No Torah
6. No Tefillah
Bonus 50 points: What extra thing do we add in Shul?
1. Full Hallel is said after Shacharis
2. Al HaNissim is inserted into Shmoneh Esrei and Benching.
Bonus (50 points):
We lein the Torah portion from Bamidbar which recounts the offerings each Nasi of each tribe brought when the Mishkan was dedicated.
What is Gelt?
Why do we do this? (at least one reason)
During Chanukah it is customary to give Gelt (money) to children. Minhag Chabad is to give extra on the 5th night.
(NB: NOT presents, this was something that was started recently, influenced by the xmas present giving traditions)
= Talmud discusses what to do if a poor man doesn't have enough money for Chanukah candles and Kiddush wine. Talmud states Chanukah candles take precedence because they publicise a miracle. Widespread custom began to give Chanukah gelt to everyone, so no-one should feel shamed that they didn't have enough money to buy candles/oil.
= Chanukah shares same shoresh as "Chinuch" - education. We educate the children in importance Mitzvot of Maaser and Tzedakah.
= As a reward for children learning Torah .
What is the longest possible Benching of the entire year?
We say: Yaaleh Veyavo, Retzei, and Bimei Matisyahu!
What is the meaning and reasoning behind the name "Chanukah"?
"Dedication" (like chanukat habayit)
Because it celebrates the re-dedication of the Beit HaMikdash, after it was fixed up and made pure once again by Bnei Yisrael, after they defeated the Yevanim.
How many candles are lit altogether over the course of Chanukah (not including the Shamash)?
36 candles
(44 including the Shamash)
1. In what direction do we light the Chanukah candles?
2. What is the order of lighting Chanukah candles according to Beis Hillel? and What is the order of lighting Chanukah candles according to Beis Shammai?
3. Which is the order we follow today? And which is the order we will follow when Moshiach comes?
1. We light from LEFT to RIGHT
2. Beis Hillel: Start off with one candle and add a candle each night.
Beis Shammai: Start off with 8 candles and subtract a candle on each night.
3. Nowadays we follow Beis Hillel. When Moshiach comes we will follow Beis Shammai.
What three foods is it traditional to eat on Chanukah?
Provide their names in Hebrew and Yiddish.
Things fried in oil, namely:
1) Sufganiyot - Ponchkes
2) Levavot - Latkes
3) Chalavi - dairy products
When is it possible to take three Sifrei Torah out of the Aron Kodesh and lein from each one?
Bonus: (100 points) Provide two other times this would occur.
Shabbos Rosh Chodesh Chanukah.
Shabbos Rosh Chodesh Parshas Shekalim
Shabbos Rosh Chodesh Parshas HaChodesh
What is the name of the nation that ruled over Israel at the time of the Chanukah story?
Where/who is he in Tanach?
Grandson of Noach. One of the seven sons of Yafes. (fourth son)
How much oil did the small, pure jug of olive oil that Bnei Yisrael found, in the Chanukah story, contain?
Approximately much is that in today's measurements?
= 294 ml (according to R' Chaim Noeh)
= almost a third of a litre
(Maharsha, Chullin 55)
2. Kiddush
What particular Halacha is there for women, during Chanukah? Provide at least one reason for this Halacha.
Women do not work while Chanukah lights are burning. (Shulchan Aruch, Orach Chaim 670:1)
= Reminds us of the important role women played at this point in time, protecting their families and Bnei Yisrael against assimilation (eg: Chana and her seven sons, Yehudis)
= Women are obligated in lighting candles just like men, but practically speaking a lot of women fulfil their obligation through their husbands/fathers, etc. In order to show we still hold the Mitzvah precious, we do not work after the candles are lit.
Chanukah is not mentioned in the Torah (since it happened after Tanach was canonised).
Nevertheless, there are allusions to Chanukah throughout Torah.
Provide 3 hints to Chanukah that we see in Torah.
1. The 25th word of Torah is "Ohr" - "light". We begin lighting Chanukah lights on the 25th of Kislev.
2. When Bnei Yisrael left Mitzrayim and started journeying towards Eretz Yisroel, the 25th place they camped was "Chashmonah". This alludes to the Chashmonaim, the priestly family who led the Maccabbees to victory against the Assyrian-Greeks.
3. In Parshat Emor in Vayikra, all the Yomim Tovim are listed. Immediately afterwards, we find the commandment to light the Menorah. This is a hint to the holiday connected to lighting the Menorah.
4. In Bamidbar, we learn about the offerings each Nosi brought when the Mishkan was dedicated. Immediately afterwards, the Torah repeats the commandment to light the Menorah. This is a connection between dedicating the Beit HaMikdash and the lighting of the Menorah.