shredded potatoes fried in oil
What Jewish month is Chanukah in?
What year was Shalshelet started?
This ancient civilization, which ruled over the Jewish people before the Maccabean revolt
Which way do we light the menorah from? right to left or left to right
left to right
The Maccabees found one jug of this which lasted for 8 days instead of 1
What does the word Chanukah mean?
Where is Morah Alayna originally from?
St. Louis
This group of Jewish warriors led the revolt against the Greeks
The menorah should be placed in this location, visible from outside the home, to publicize the miracle of Chanukah.
by the window
Hebrew word for doughnuts eaten on Chanukah
What does the Gimel on the dreidel stand for?
Which Shalshelet teachers live back to back from each other?
Morah Tamar and Morah Tzippy
Name of the Macabee who lead the revolt against the Greeks
Yehuda Hamacabi
Which extra tefilah is added to benching and shmoneh esrei during Chanukah?
Al Hanisim
Yehudis fed this food to the Greek general to make him sleepy
salty cheese and wine
Why is Chanukah called Chanukah?
Because the Bais Hamikdash was re-dedicated after being desecrated.
What sport did Morah Alayna play in college?
The name of the kind who outlawed mitzvos and desecrated the Bait Hamikdash
According to halacha, it is forbidden to do this with the Chanukah candles once they have been lit.
Use them for any other purpose besides Chanukah light
Morah Tamar's favorite doughnut flavor
jelly! :)
Tefilah recited after lighting Chanukah candles, thanking Hashem for the miracles is called this...
Haneiros Halelu
Where is the coolest place Rabbi Yaish has been bowling?
The White House
Name of the Greek general killed by Yehudis
The menorah should be lit after this event each night of Chanukah, but before this time.
Shkiah but before Tzeis Hakochavim