What is the Yiddish term of the Money we give out on Chanukah?
Chanukah Gelt
What do the four Hebrew letters on the dreidel mean in English?
A great miracle happened there
Which country did the story of Chanukah take place in?
Eretz Israel
What is another name of the for the Draidel?
How many Brachos are said on the first night of Chanukah and what are they?
לְהַדְלִיק נֵר חֲנֻכָּה
שֶׁעָשָׂה נִסִּים
What is another name for the potato pancakes that we eat each year on Chanukah ?
Why do many people light the Menorah by the window?
To publicize and spread the miracle of the the oil that lasted for 8 days .
What is the name of the Greek King who repressed the Jews in the Chanukah story?
A. Haman
B. Antiychois
C. Pharoah
D. None of the above
B. Antiychois
What are the Hebrew letters on the four sides of the dreidel in ISRAEL and why?
Pay, Hey, Nun and Gimmel.
Because the miracle happened IN Israel
Why do we play dreidel on Chanukah ?
Remember the children that pretended to play while really learning Torah.
Why do we eat fried food on Chanukah ?
To commemorate the miracle that happened with oil.
What did the Greeks not allow the Jewish people to do?
A. Have a Bris
B. Keep Shabbbos
C. No learning
D. All of the above
D - All of the above
Resistance against the attempt to force Greek culture on the Jews was led by a family known as the
What is the name of the candle that is used to light the others?
How many sons did Chana have?
What is the name for the jelly donuts that we eat during Chanukah ?
When is the best time to light the Menorah?
Between Sunset and nightfall
How many sons did the Chashmoneam family have ?
How many candles are used in total throughout Chanukah?
What does the word מכבי stand for and mean?
מי כמוך באלים ה'
"Means "hammer
Why do we eat dairy on Chanukah ?
Yehudit gave the general dairy food (to make him thirsty.)
What does the word Chanukah mean and what is the connection to the actual holiday?
'Establishing' or 'Dedication'
Chanukah is when the Jewish people rededicated and established the Temple in Jerusalem after it was defiled by the Greeks.
Also "Education"
In what year did the historical event of Chanukah take place?
165 B.C.E
From which side of the Menorah do you set up the candles and from which side do you light the candles
Set up from right to left and light from left to right
Why do women not do house work for 30 minutes after the Menorah is lit?
Since the miraculous victory came about through the heroic actions of Yehudit, the women felt a special connection to the Chanukah lights and sought to honor them in the greatest way possible.