Chanukah Customs
Chanukah Characters
Jewish Pop Culture
Chanukah Trivia

Where does the custom to spin dreidels on Chanukah come from? 

Learning Torah was outlawed by the enemy, a "crime" punishable by death. The Jewish children resorted to hiding in caves in order to study. If a Greek patrol would approach, the children would pull out their tops and pretend to be playing a game.


Which Cohen led the Jews in a revolt against Antiochus?



Which singer famously sings: "Time for Chanukah...put on your Yamaka..."

Adam Sandler

Do we say chatzi-Hallel (half Hallel) or Hallel-Shalem (full Hallel) on Chanukah?


What is the minimum amount of time the Chanukah lights need to burn for?

30 mins


How are dreidles made in Chutz La'aretz (outside of Israel) and dreidles made in Israel different? 

Dreidles in Chu"l: נ ג ה ש

Dreidles in Israel: נ ג ה פ


Which Greek King ruled over Israel and refused to let the Jews practice their faith?

Antiochus IV (Epiphanes) forbade Jews from practicing their faith. He ordered them all to convert, and for their Temple to be turned into Greek/pagan place of worship. While some Jews embraced the Greek way of life, others revolted, which leads us to…


Which actor in the list below is NOT Jewish?

Daniel Radcliff, Paul Wesley, Gal Gadot, Jake Gyllenhall, Scarlett Johanson

Paul Wesley


Where do we add "Al Hanisim" on Chanukah during davening?

In Shemonah Esrei and in Bentching


Where does the Shamash need to be placed in order for it to be a kosher menorah?

Anywhere, as long as its a different level than the other candles


Where does the custom to eat jelly donuts and latkes come from?

Because one of the main miracles of Chanukah was the ability to find oil in the Beit Hamikdash, we make and eat foods deep fried in oil.


Which town was Matityahu from in Israel?



youngest player to be elected to the Baseball Hall of Fame who refused to pitch on Yom Kippur?

Sandy Cofax


What do we add every day at the end of davening during Chanukah?

Mizmor Shir Chanukat Habayit L'David..


What does "pirsumei Hanes" mean, and how do we fulfill it on Chanukah?

"Publicizing the miracle", we do this by making sure our Menorah's are placed/lit in a public space (by the door or window)

Where did the custom to eat dairy on Chanukah come from? 

One of the forgotten heroines of the Hanukkah story, Judith helped defeat the Greek army by killing its general, Holofernes. The brave widow gorged him with cheese and wine, and when he was sufficiently inebriated, she cut off his head! She then showed the Greek army his decapitated head (we told you this gets gruesome!) and, demoralized, the Greeks left, defeated. If you want to honor this awesome lady, you can eat cheese on Hanukkah to remember her bravery.Gaining his trust, she is allowed access to his tent one night and feeds him salty cheese. To quench his thirst she plies him with wine, and as he lies in a drunken stupor, she decapitates him, then takes his head back to her fearful countrymen. The Assyrians, having lost their leader, disperse, and Israel is saved.


The family of Matityahu became known as the Maccabees, from the Hebrew word:

"Hammer" (because they were said to strike hammer blows against their enemies. Jews refer to the Maccabees)


Which singer turned down going on tour with Adele because it meant he would have to sing during Pesach and S'firat Haomer?

Lin Manuel Miranda, Alex Clare, Adam Levine, Drake?


What mitzvah should I do first Friday afternoon? Light Shabbat candles or Chanukah candles and why?

Chanukah candles, because if I light Shabbas candles Shabbat has already started.


Give two reason for why Chanukah is called: "Chanukah"?

1. Chanu-chaf-hay

2. Chanukat Habayit (rededication of the Beit Hamikdash after it was purified).


Where does the concept of getting gelt/chanukah presents come from?

Maimonides writes that a child needs to be provided with an incentive to learn Torah. He suggests that a child be given “walnuts, figs and honey” to sweeten his learning. We incentivized children to learn Torah especially in a time like Chanuka, when our enemies tried to take that value away from us. And here is the connection with the concept of giving Chanukah gifts or gelt (money in Yiddish). 

The idea of giving money is also an opportunity to teach the child about the concept of giving charity and helping those less fortunate than yourself.

Name all of the sons of Matityahu Hacohen

 Simon, Jochanan, Jonathan, Eleazar and Yehudah.


What percentage of Nobel Prize Winners have been Jewish?

5, 10, 20, 30

Between 1901 and 2020, the Nobel Prize has been awarded to more than 900 individuals and organizations. At least 208 of them have been Jewish. (~20%)


When is the longest birkat hamazon of the year? (*think of all the additions). 

When Rosh Chodesh Kislev falls on Shabbat

We add:

 1. Al Hanisim

2. Retze

3. Yaaleh V'yavo


How does Beit Hillel believe we should light Chanukah candles, and how does Beit Shamai differ?

Beit Shammai says: On the first day one kindles eight lights and, from there on, gradually decreases the number of lights until, on the last day of Hanukkah, they kindle one light. 

And Beit Hillel says: On the first day one kindles one light, and from there on, gradually increases the number of lights until, on the last day, they kindle eight lights.
