Chanukah Story
Miracles of Chanukah
Mitzvot and Minhagim
Chanukah around the World
Chanukah Songs

Which Galut/Exile were the Jews in during Chanukah?

The third Galut/Exile which is the Syrian Greek


Explain both Miracles of Chanukah

1. ) The Oil lasted for 8 days 

2. ) The Jews won over the Greeks


What are the Mitzvot of Chanuka?

Lighting the Chanukiah, Saying the Brachot, Pirsum Haness, Al Hanissim, an Hallel


In Morocco, there is a unique Chanukah tradition that involves the use of a special type of oil. How is it used during the holiday?

Argan oil, which is used in cooking and lighting the menorah


Which song is about a spinning dreidel?

סביבון סוף סוף סוף חנוכה הוא חג טוב


Who was the leader of the Maccabim? 

Yehuda Hamaccabee


The miracles of Chanukah aren't written in the Tanach, where can the be found exactly?

The Gemara in Masechet Shabbat


Why do we eat suganiyot and latkes on Chanukah?

Because those foods have oil in them which reminds us of the miracle of the oil


In which South American country are menorah lightings often held on beaches?



Finish the lyrics: Oh Chanukah Oh Chanukah come light the menorah _____ _____ __ _______ ____ ____ ______ ___ ______

Oh Chanukah Oh Chanukah come light the menorah let's have a party we'll all dance the hora


What was the goal of the Syrian Greeks? 

To make everyone like them/For everyone to be Greeks and follow their religion 


Why was finding even one jug of pure oil in the Beit Hamikdash really hard?

Because the Greeks intentionally defiled every holy item in the Beit Hamikdash to try and stop the Jews from serving Hashem


Why do we play with dreidels on Chanukah?

Because when the Jews would hide and learn Torah, if the Greeks would come they would use the dreidel as a distraction


This country's Jewish community celebrates Chanukah by eating bimuelos, fried dough treats from Sephardic tradition.



Which song talks about the Nerot Chanukah

הנרות הללו


What was the name of the family that started the rebellion against the Greeks?

The חשמונאי family


Why do we celebrate the miracle of the oil rather than focusing on the military victory, even though both were extraordinary?

Because the miracle of the oil represents spiritual victory, while the military success was a means to restore religious freedom


The custom of eating dairy foods on Chanukah is observed in some Jewish communities. Which historical figure or event is connected to this practice?

Yehudit who fed cheese and wine to the Assyrian general, leading to his defeat and the Jewish victory


In this African country Jews celebrate a version of Chanukah called Sigd, connecting the holiday to their unique traditions.



Which places are Al Hanisim added in?

Birkat Hamazon and Amida


Which year did the Chanukah Story take place and in between which Beit Hamikdash? 

164 BCE in the time of the Second Beit hamikdash


According to the Gemara in Masechet Shabbat, why does the miracle of the oil specifically emphasize light as the central theme of Chanukah?

Because light symbolizes the triumph of Torah wisdom and spirituality over Greek Hellenism, which promoted immorality


Chanukah is a mitzvah from the Talmud, when we say the Brachot for chanukah we say: ...אשר קדשנו במצוותו...

How can we say that Hashem commanded us to light nerot Chanukah when he didn't? 

Because Hashem commanded us to listen to the Chachamim/Sanhedrin who commanded us to light the Chanukiah


In Italy, particularly in the city of Rome, Jews celebrate Chanukah with a distinctive food item. What is this food, and what is its cultural significance?

A frittelle, a type of fried dough, symbolizing the miracle of the oil


What Hebrew song translates to “We came to drive out the darkness”?

Banu Choshech Legaresh/בנו חושך לגרש in the song Cad Cattan 
