On this holiday, we eat potato pancakes and fried jelly donuts with powdered sugar.
What is Chanukah?
Even though God directed him to lead us from Egypt, a traditional Passover Hagadah does not mention his name.
Who is Moses?
On this day, we say a prayer that tells us that God had finished the work of creation, and then rested.
What is Shabbat?
On this holiday, we eat fruits and grains that grew in Israel in Biblical times.
What is Tu B'Shevat?
This is the prophet we believe visits every Jewish home on Passover.
Who is Elijah?
On two high holidays, we chant a prayer called Avinu Malkeinu, asking God to forgive and pardon us. Name either one of them.
What is Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur?
On this holiday, we eat bitter herbs and unleavened bread.
What is Passover?
On Shavuot, we celebrate the receiving of the 10 commandments, and our promise to observe them. We also read of this woman who converted to Judaism, and chose to obey our laws.
Who is Ruth?
On this holiday, we read a modern prayer, composed in English, reminding us to light one candle.
What is Hanukkah?
On this holiday, we eat sweet dairy treats like blintzes and ice cream, celebrating that God brought us to a land filled with milk and honey.
What is Shavuot?
On Purim, we celebrate these two Jews who helped us avert death and destruction at the hands of the evil Haman.
Who are Esther and Mordecai?
On these 2 holidays, we add a prayer to the daily service thanking God for making miracles. Name either of them.
What is Chanukah and Purim?
On this holiday, we dip apples in honey.
What is Rosh Hashanah?
On Yom Kippur, in many synagogues, we read about the first high priest, and how he conducted Yom Kippur sacrifices. Hint: He was Moses' brother?
Who is Aaron?
We proudly sing this hymn, Israel's national anthem, on Yom HaAtzmaut, Israel's Independence day.
What is Hatikvah?