This was the son of Matisyahu who was the leader of the maccabim.
This phrase is represented by the letters on our dreidals.
נס גדול היה שם
This prayer is said after the lighting of the Menorah
Mah Otzer
The word for the menorahs we use nowadays
The animal the Greeks used in their warfare
Elephants 🐘 🗡️
He was the Greek leader during the time of the Chanukah story.
(Extra points if you know what number her was ex. Sal Lagonia the 7th)
Antioches IV
When the dreidal lands on gimmel..
take the whole pot
The women of the house do this after the menorah is lit until it burns out
The word Chanukah means
This nation developed the chocolate gelt
The USA 🦅🇺🇸🏈
The number of sons Matisyahu had.
the family that the maccabim are from
The Chashmunaim
This many brachos are said on the menorah over Chanukah
17 17 17 17 17!!!!
The word Greek in Hebrew is
This modern country is where the Greeks were from
Syria 🇸🇾
The name of the Jewish woman who defied the Greeks and killed one of their generals.
The word Maccabea stands for.
מי כמוך באילים ד׳
This prayer is said DURING the lighting of the menorah
Haneiros hallalu
What the Jews that assimilated with the Greeks are called
The Jews started celebrating Chanukah in this year (English year)
2nd century BCE
All the names of Matisyahu’s sons.
Yehudah, Elazar, Yochanan, Yonatan, Shimon
This is the Yiddish word for jelly donut.
lol sorry about this one
This is the best place to light your menorah
Outside your front door
The word Shamesh means
Double points:
Under this US president, the lighting of the national menorah began
Jimmy Carter 1979