What is the hebrew word for donut
For how many days do we celebrate Chanukah?
What day is the first day of chnukah???
chaf hey kislev
What are the letters on the dreidel on Eretz Yisroel
nun, gimmel, hey, pey
On the first night of Chanukah how many brachos are said before the lights are being lit?
What is the name of the money or chocolate candy given to children during Chanukah?
Why do we light the Menorah at a window or door?
To publicize and spread the miracle of the the oil that lasted for 8 days .
What is the name of the Greek King who fought the Jews in the Chanukah story?
what do the letters on the dreidel stand for
A great miracle happened there
Why do we play dreidel on Chanukah ?
Remember the children that pretended to play while really learning Torah.
Why do we eat fried food on Chanukah ?
To commemorate the miracle that happened with oil.
What 3 things did the Greeks not allow the Jewish people to do?
A. Have a Bris
B. Keep Shabbos
C. Rosh Chodesh
What happened first, finding the oil or the war against Greeks?
war against Greeks
What is the name of the candle that is used to light the others?
How many sons did Chana have?
Why do we eat dairy on Chanukah ?
Yehudis gave the elipornis dairy food to make him thirsty/sleepy.
Around what time do we light the Menorah each night?
when night comes
Who chopped off elipornis's head?
what did the Greeks put on the mizbeach?
A pig
What does מכבי stand for?
מי כמוך באילים ה'
What year and date did the Chanukkah story start?
chaf hei kislev 3622
why is chanukah called chanukah(2)
1. Chanukas habayis
2. rested on 25th (chanu cahf hey)
What are the name of the 5 sons of מתתיהו כהן גדול
אלעזר, יוחנן, יונתן, שמעון, יהודה
Which side of the menorah do you place the first candle that is lit?
All the way to the right
How many candles are used throughout Chanukah-with shamash?