The story of Yehudis is the reason that we...
Eat dairy
Which Heichal talmid made the ESPN top 10?
Sachi Zauderer
I started learning Torah at age 40
Rebbi Akiva
The town where the Gersons used to live
Springfield, NJ
What's the bracha on an avocado?
This is the maximum height that you can light your Menorah...
20 Amot
What is the name of the Rabbi of the Teaneck Jewish Center?
Rabbi Daniel Fridman
I wrote the Mishnah Brurah
The Chofetz Chaim
The Gersons worked on this summer program for a combined 11 years
What's the bracha on thunder?
Sh'kocho u'geruraso maleh olam
Rabbi Gerson's topic for grandfather-grandson learning
Electric Menorahs
Which 2 Heichal Rabbeim were in Yeshiva with Rabbi Gerson?
Who is the former Rabbi of Rinat Yisrael?
Rabbi Yosef Adler
Rabbi Gerson recently found out that he's a long lost descendant of this famous 18th century Rabbi
The Vilna Gaon
What's the bracha if a person goes into a cemetery after not having been in one for 30 days?
M'chayei HaMeisim
What was Heichal's total revenue in 2023?
I founded Beis Medrash Gavoha (BMG) in Lakewood
Rabbi Aharon Kotler
The age of Yehuda Betzalel Gerson
6 years old
What's the bracha on a raisinette?
Ha'etz and Shehakol
What's the most famous kashya (question) about the 8 days of chanukah?
Why do we celebrate for 8 days if the miracle was only for 7? (Beis Yosef)
The year Heichal was founded
I founded the Mussar Movement
R' Yisrael Salanter
What city did my wife and I meet in?
Staten Island
What's the bracha on a talmud chacham?
Sh'chalak chachmaso l'yireav