It's a yellow mountain. (The logo)
What is Toblerone
How many days does it take the earth to orbit the sun?
365 days (or 366)
What is the capital of China?
What is Beijing
What gets wetter the more it dries?
A towel
Convert celsius to fahrenheit
Which company's slogan is "Eat fresh"?
What is Subway
Which country is the largest in the world?
Russia (duh)
What is the Capital city of Australia?
What is Canberra
What do you throw out when you want to use it?
An Anchor
Sally had 64 pies and ate 10/16 of them, how many pies did she devour?
Which brand has the slogan "Think different" ?
What is Apple
Who wrote The Odyssey and the iliad?
What is Athens
What gets sharper the more you use it?
A brain
3² + 4 x (5 - 2)=
Who's slogan is : Save money. Live Better.
What is Walmart
What is the statue of liberty made of?
What is the old capital of Japan?
What is Kyoto
What can you lift but not throw?
A feather
8 + 4 × 3 ÷ 2 =
What is Calvin Klein
When was the ipad first released?
April third 2010
What is the capital of Finland?
What is Helsinki
You can make it, but never hold or see it. What is it?
4x + 12 + 9 - 5 = 32 ( 2 mins for this question )
Solve for 4x
4x= 16
What is Linux
What is the distance from the earth to the sun?
147 million km ( aprox )
What is the capital city of Sweden?
What is Stockholm
Riddle me this, riddle me that, in the queen’s quarters, there is a great vat, and a great many workmen are working at that. Yellow are their clothes, yellow are their toes, tell me what this is, or I'll pull your nose
What is bees in a hive
2X2 + 12 = 44S
Solve for 2X2
2X2 = 32