1st Grade World History
2nd Grade Natural Science
3rd Grade U.S. History
4th Grade Technology and Engineering
5th Grade Earth and Space Science

In 79 A.D., a volcano erupted, completely covering this Italian city in ash.

What is Pompeii?


Bees track this substance from flower to flower to help the flowers spread their seeds.

What is pollen?


This famous boxer was given a Presidential Medal of Freedom in 2005 for his role as a civil rights activist and advocate for religious tolerance.

Who is Muhammad Ali?


This is the name for the network of power stations and transmission lines that transfers power from the power company to the consumer.

What is the electric grid?


When the moon passes between the sun and Earth, this kind of eclipse happens.

What is a solar eclipse?


This U.S. President was president for 12 years.

Who is Franklin D. Roosevelt?


This word in Japanese means "harbor wave," and describes a destructive kind of wave that has flooded many coastal towns in Japan.

What is a tsunami?


On his quest for the Fountain of Youth, this Spanish explorer reached a coastal land that he named "Florida."

Who is Ponce de Leon?


This architect designed the glass and metal pyramid that marks the entrance to the Louvre Museum in Paris.

Who is I.M. Pei?


Deep in the Andes Mountains in northern Peru, you can find the source of this river.

What is the Amazon River?


Christ the Redeemer, a 100-foot-tall statue of Jesus, stands on top of a mountain in this city.

What is Rio de Janeiro, Brazil?


This natural wonder of the world was shaped by the Colorado River.

What is the Grand Canyon?


Aaron Douglas is one famous artist who worked within this artistic movement, which was named after a New York neighborhood.

What is the Harlem Renaissance?


This bridge, built to connect Brooklyn and Staten Island, was the longest of its kind in the world when it was constructed in 1964.

What is the Verrazano-Narrows Bridge?


This is the name for the process by which the continents broke apart and spread out across Earth.

What is continental drift?


More than a thousand years ago, this indigenous group had a powerful empire in Mexico, with a capital in Tenochtitlan.

Who are the Aztecs?


This kind of habitat is home to more than half of the types of plants and animals in the world.

What are rain forests?


When colonists returned to this "lost colony," the only clue they found as to its inhabitants whereabouts was the word "Croatoan" carved into a wooden post.

What is Roanoke?


In 1927, this pilot was the first person to fly alone across the Atlantic Ocean.

Who is Charles Lindbergh?


With more than 47,000 miles of coastline, this U.S. state is host to over 75 million seabirds.

What is Alaska?


You'd never guess it by its popularity today, but this dessert was actually invented by accident by Ruth Wakefield.

What are chocolate chip cookies?


This category of rock is created by heat. These rocks start off as magma, which cools and hardens into this category of rock.

What is igneous rock?


In 1852, President Lincoln called this federal department—one of the first to be created in the U.S.— the "People's Department" because it governed such an important part of people's daily lives.

What is the U.S. Department of Agriculture?


The first American program to send humans into space, Project Mercury, was launched from this spaceport in 1961.

What is Cape Canaveral?


This layer of the atmosphere is between 5 and 9 miles thick, and holds the air that we breathe and the clouds in the sky.

What is the troposphere?
