The Sioux migrate to the Great plains in the 1700s from this nearby state
What is Minnesota
The Teton Sioux stole pirogue (boats) from these 2 American explorers
Who are Lewis and Clark
The Chippewa lived in Northern North Dakota near this geographical landmark
What are the "Turtle Mountains"
This tribe lived in the Northwest corner of North Dakota, have territory in the US & Canada
Who are the Assiniboine
The last areas of land owned by tribes in North Dakota as their own sovereign land
What are reservations
The Lakota Sioux leader, most recognizable Indian by average person
What is Sitting Bull
The Sioux win a huge victory against the US army in 1876 here in southeast Montana
What is The Battle of Little Bighorn
Chippewa are known for using these to move buffalo hides and other materials
What are "Red River Ox Carts"
This group lived in western North Dakota, separated from the Hidatsa in the 1600s, enemies of the Sioux
Who are the Crow
The Standing Rock Sioux tribe protested the development of this near their reservation in 2016
What is the Dakota Access Pipeline (DAPL)
The 3 divisions of the Sioux people
What are Lakota (western), Nakota (central), & Dakota (eastern)
The Sioux first fought the US army in 1854 over an oxen dispute along the Oregon trail, known as
What is the "Grattan Massacre"
The Metis' people are a mix of these 2 people groups
What are Chippewa natives and French-Canadians
These people lived in North Central North Dakota and had territory in both the US and Canada
Who are the Cree
The 3 affiliated tribes won this case by suing the federal government in 2022, which revolved around what
What is Mineral rights
A ceremony of purification that involved being pierced in the chest and hanging from a pole. For the sake of hunting Buffalo
What is the "Sun Dance"
The Eastern Santee Sioux rebelled in Minnesota during the civil war in 1862, sacked the towns of New Ulm and Acton killing 500 settlers
What is the Sioux uprising
This natural landmark (east of Max, ND) was a hunting and rendezvous location for the Metis/Chippewa people
What is Dog-Den Butte
At certain times throughout the 1700-1800s, this native american tribe would wander through and hunt in ND, although they are mostly known for being in Wyoming
Who are the Northern Cheyenne
1925 was a landmark year for native american civil rights for this reason
What is they were allowed to vote/be considered citizens
The parental approach for Sioux parents with their children
What is passive parenting
Sitting Bull did this at Fort Buford (Williston ND) in 1881 changing Sioux history
What is surrender his rifle
The name "Chippewa" translates to this in their peoples language
What is "Puckered moccasin people"
This natural landmark by Richardton ND was a battleground between the Crow and the Sioux, Crow warriors fought to the last man on top of it
What is "Young Man's Butte"
The main reason native americans struggle to vote on reservations today
What is many tribal members don't live on registered addresses