What do you do to relieve stress?
Answers may vary
What is a compromise?
give an example
this means some give and take from both sides
example: agreeing to disagree
1 factor that impacts self-esteem.
self-image, social interactions, home, school, community, life events, media like tv, movies, or social media.
What might high self-esteem look like in someone?
Willingness to make mistakes, feel good about relationships with others, feel loved by others, able to engage in social activities.
These can be used to reduce stress and improve our mental wellness.
Stress management strategies or coping skills.
What is one stress management technique ?
Express your feelings, maintain a positive attitude, take care of yourself, manage your time, distract yourself, use relaxation techniques.
How can you be more accepting of yourself?
Answers may vary
True or False: Everyone deals with stress the same way.
False - How do you deal with stress?
Give an example of how you can express gratitude.
Writing a letter to say thanks, using manners, expressing thankfulness, writing down things you are grateful for each day.
Strategy that involves being present in the moment and paying attention to thoughts and feelings in a non-judgmental way.
What are two types of relaxation techniques?
Mediation, Progressive Muscle Relaxation, Yoga, and Deep Breathing
Name 2 unhelpful (negative) stress management activities.
Sleeping too much, drinking energy drinks to "make up" for sleep loss, avoiding counseling or groups, not reaching out to your support system
What does a healthy relationship look like?
honesty, trust, respect and open communication between partners and they take effort and compromise from both people.
Give an example of an I-statement.
I feel __(emotion)__ when ___(event)___.
Name at least two people you can talk to when you are having a hard time.
Family, trusted adult, trusted friend, counselor and other mental health professionals
What are 2 things you should be mindful of in an argument?
- Assertive Language
- no yelling
- take turns speaking
- discuss one topic at a time
-know why you are upset!
What is gratitude?
- Reflecting on the "good things"
Gratitude is a way to appreciate what we have instead of always reaching for something new in the hopes it will make us happier. Gratitude helps us refocus on what we have instead of what we lack.
An idea or thought that we know to be true based on experiences, facts, or what we are told.
True or False: Denying and ignoring your feelings can make them go away and it can be both positive for your physical and mental health.
Denying our feelings can have a negative effect. Denying them can even cause them to grow...
True or False: All stress is associated with a negative event or experience.
*Double points if you can name 1 reason for eustress*
Name 3 relationship green flags
- conflict resolution
-effective communication
- commonality
What are 3 STEPS you can take to control your emotions?
Identify your feelings, accept them, and express them in a healthy way.
What is a support system?
A network of people that can provide you with practical or emotional support. These support systems will help you improve your overall health and have been shown to reduce stress.
What is stonewalling?
stonewalling will be unresponsive, making evasive maneuvers such as tuning out, turning away, or acting busy.
shutting down and unresponsive
Beside mental wellness, name three other types of wellness
Physical, spiritual, intellectual, social