Pavement Markings
Traffic signals
What is the name of the solid line that tells you where it's edge is and where the travel lane ends and the shoulder begins.
That is called a edge line. It is illegal to drive across a edge line except when told by a police officer or other authorized official or when allowed by an official sign. An edge line that angles toward the center of the road shows that the road is narrower ahead.  

What is a Regulation Sign?

 They are normally white rectangles with black letters or symbols. It shows information about rules for traffic direction,speed,lane use , turns, parking, and other requirements.

What does a Steady Traffic Light mean?
Come to a full stop and do not go until the light is green. if a green arrow is shown with a red light, you can go only in the direction of the arrow and only if the intersection is clear.
What is a steady green light mean?
It means go but yield the right of the way to other traffic at the intersection as required by law.
What color are the lines that separate lanes of traffic in which they move in the same direction are?
The color of the line is white.
This sign is  normally a yellow diamond shape with black letters or symbols. It advises that you are approaching a hazardous location where there is a special rule as shown on the sign.
Warning signs
What does a Flashing Red light mean?
Treat it like a stop sign.Stop, yield the right of way, and go when it is safe to do so.
What is a green arrow?
You can go in the direction of the arrow, But you must yield the right of way to other traffic at the intersection as required by law.
What color are the lines that separate traffic that moves in the opposite direction.
the color of the line is yellow.
This sign is green with white letters or symbols.They show the direction and distance to a location.
Destination sign
What does a red arrow mean?
It means do not go in the direction of the arrow until the arrow red light is off and a green light or arrow goes on.
What does a work area sign look like? What speed should you go through a construction zone. Who directs the traffic?
It is a orange sign with black letters or symbols. You have to go at a speed as low as 25 mph through a construction zone. A flag person directs the traffic. 
Describe a Service Sign
A Service sign is blue with white letters and symbols.It shows the location of services like gas stations, camping or medical facilities.
What does a steady yellow light mean?
It means the light will change from green to red. Be prepared to stop before the red light.
Special above the pavement lights are sometimes used to indicate which lanes of a highway that is used at certain times.
There is a Steady Red "X" which is not used to drive in that particular lane. A steady Yellow "X" which is used to move from that  particular lane. A Flashing Yellow "X" which can only be used for a left turn. Lastly there is a green arrow which can be used on that particualar lane. 
What color and shape is a railroad crossing sign?
It is a yellow circle sign with black letters "RR" and "X" symbol.
What does a flashing yellow light mean?
Slow down and drive with caution.
There are three main Route signs in the area that varied in color. Name all three of these particular signs in which you can see on the roadway.
The three main Route signs that you will see on a roadway are interstate, U.S state and county routes. Also watch for destination signs so you will not get lost or have to turn or stop suddenly.