What is Habit#8?
Find your voice!
What does student government do?
Assembly video, think of ways to help our school,
What Icon is a Z?
What does flower power do?
Keep the campus looking clean and pretty.
What is a Habit?
A Habit is something that you follow!
What habit does our stugo president use?
Habit 1 be proactive.
How might the 8 habits change over time?
They could add on more habits.
Name any action team.
Flower power, battle of the books, cafe crew, Robotics, welcome wagon, Gate greeter, data collector, esc.
What is habit #3?
Put first things first.
what habit does the whole stugo team use?
Habit 8 find your voice and inspire others to find theirs.
What icon is the flower?
HWhat is the action team that competes in machine tournaments?
What habit is sharpen the saw?
Habit #7.
What is our school mascots' name?
Sammy the shark!
What does the icon change over time mean?
how something or someone develops.
What does gate greeter do?
Greet students in the morning.
What habit is habit is think win-win?
Habit #4.
What did stugo talk about in the video?
All of the habits.
What general statement summarizes leader in me?
Leader in me is a program that uses the 8 habits in everyday life.
which action team is hosting leadership day?
The lighthouse team! (That is us)