What is science?
Characteristics of Life
Scientific Method

The study of life.

What is biology?


A signal to which an organism responds.

What is a stimulus?


An experiment in which only one variable is changed and all other variables are kept unchanged.

What is a controlled experiment?


What are the 4 biomolecules?

Carbohydrates, Lipids, Proteins, Nucleic Acids


A scientific explanation for a set of observations that can be tested in ways that support or reject it.



An organized way of gathering and analyzing evidence about the natural world.

What is science?


The combination of chemical reactions through which an organism builds up or breaks down materials to form energy.



The responding variable or factor that may or may not change due to manipulation.

What is the dependent variable?


What one similar function of carbohydrates and lipids? How does this function differ?

Carbohydrates and lipids store energy. Carbohydrates are a source of short-term energy, while lipids supply long-term energy.


What is Ms. Young's dog's name?



What is the difference between quantitative and qualitative data? 

Quantitative Data: can be measured

Qualitative Data: categorical or descriptive data that cannot be counted


The Galapagos finches are an example of which characteristic of life? Why?

Evolution. The size and shape of the beaks have adapted and changed to the food source in the Galapagos Islands over time. 


Give an initial observation, the independent and dependent variables, and a conclusion for the following experiment:

Sponge Bob notices that his pal Gary is suffering from slimotosis, which occurs when the shell develops a nasty slime and gives off a horrible odor. His friend Patrick tells him that rubbing seaweed on the shell is the perfect cure, while Sandy says that drinking Dr. Kelp will be a better cure. Sponge Bob decides to test this cure by rubbing Gary with seaweed for 1 week and having him drink Dr. Kelp. After a week of treatment, the slime is gone and Gary’s shell smells better.

Initial observation: Slimotosis on Gary’ s shell

Independent variable: Seaweed and Dr. Kelp

Dependent variable: Slime and odor

Conclusion: Although Gary’s symptoms have disappeared, it is not known which cure was the one that worked. He should redo the experiment and include a control group as well as two other testing groups for each of the proposed cures.


What elements make up each of the 4 biomolecules. Name each biomolecule separately.

Carbohydrate (CHO), Lipids (CHO), Proteins (CHON), Nucleic Acids (CHONP)


What is 1 function of Nucleic Acids & Proteins?

Nucleic Acids: store genetic information

Proteins: (range of answers) Build and repair muscle, control the rate of reactions and regulate cell processes, cellular structure, transportation of substances into and out of the cell, fight disease


What is a bias? Why is this important to consider for scientists when analyzing data from an experiment?

A bias is a personal belief. This is important for scientists because they must base their conclusions on scientific evidence and not personal beliefs. 

What is the definition of homeostasis? Give two examples.

Organisms must maintain a stable internal environment to sustain life. 

Ex. Putting a coat on in winter to keep stable internal body temperature, sweating to keep cool, a fireman wearing an oxygen mask...


Give the control group, independent & dependent variable, and a conclusion for the following experiment:

SpongeBob noticed that his favorite pants were not as clean as they used to be. His friend Sandy told him that he should try using Clean-O detergent, a new brand of laundry soap she found at Sail-Mart. SpongeBob made sure to wash one pair of pants in plain water and another pair in water with the Clean-O detergent. After washing both pairs of pants a total of three times, the pants washed in the Clean-O detergent did not appear to be any cleaner than the pants washed in plain water.

Control Group: Pants washed in plain water

Independent Variable: Clean-O Detergent

Dependent Variable: Cleanliness of Pants

Conclusion: Clean-O laundry soap does not appear to be effective in cleaning his pants.


Draw a correct carbon atom. 

Answer should include 6 protons, neutrons, and electrons with protons & neutrons in the center. Electrons should be arranged in two rings (2 in closest and 4 valence electrons).


What are the 2 properties of carbon that explain it's ability to form large and complex molecules.

1. Carbon has 4 valence electrons.

2. Carbon can bond with itself.


After posing questions, scientists use further observations to make _________, or logical interpretations based on what is already known.

What is inferences?


What are the 8 characteristics of life?

Cells, Reproduction, Grow & Develop, Metabolism, Homeostasis, DNA, Response to Stimuli, Evolution


Rank the following steps to the Scientific Method in the order that they occur:

____ Making inferences and forming hypotheses

____ Drawing conclusions

____ Observing and asking questions

____ Collecting and analyzing data

____ Conducting controlled experiments

Observing and asking questions, making inferences and forming hypotheses, conducting controlled experiments, collecting and analyzing data, drawing conclusions


What are the monomers of all 4 biomolecules?

Carbohydrates (Monosaccharides), Lipids (Fatty Acids & Glycerol), Protein (Amino Acids), Nucleic Acids (Nucleotide)


Draw and label the groups for the structure of an amino acid.

Answer should include an amino group, R group, and carboxyl group with at least 1 carbon separating the amino & carboxyl group.
