Triple Bottom Line
Levels of Managment
Manager Challenges
Tasks Environment

What are the 3 main things that make up the triple Bottom Line?

People, Planet, Profit


What level is the highest on the pyramid of Managment?

Top Managers


There is one main thing when you are a business owner or leader. What would be the first thing to do or make sure of when you are one of these people?

Being responsive to customers, and making sure they are taken care of, with no customers there is no business.


What is ethics?

The standards of right and wrong.


What is a task environment?

The task environment consists of then groups that interact with each other.


A very large company invests in education for the younger generation, and has opened tons of jobs for the community, and surrounding area. What main topic is this an example of in the triple bottom line?



What is the lowest level on the pyramid of management?



When running a business time moves on, and you need new idea's. What is it called when a business moves on and makes new idea's to use new and better technology?

Innovation, businesses can't always do the same thing and need to move on to grow and keep up with time.


Company A has been lying about the percentage of carbon dioxide emissions that the car they produce releases, because of how popular the car is. B has been showing the truthful percentage of carbon dioxide that releases but the car is not as popular. Which type of ethic would this be? A- violation of health and safety regulations B-Corruption C- Abusive behavior

A. Violations of health and safety relations


Johnny is buying the new sandwich meal at double king's after his friends recommended it to him, but when he went to order the cashier was rude and disrespectful towards him. What task environment is this? A. Customers. B. Suppliers. C. Local communities. D. Distributors. 

A. Customers


A shipping company has cargo ships that run across open water ways very often. This company has a ship that has an oil leak and is refusing to fix it, because of the money it will cost. B shipping company has a ship that can use half engine, and half electric to make it across these waterways more efficient for the environment. Which company is correctly using 1 of the 3 main topics of the triple bottom line, and which topic is it?

B if using the Planet topic correctly


What level of the pyramid makes short term operating decisions and directs the daily task of nonmanagerial personnel?

First line managers


If you have a product that is very similar to another companies, what would be a key component to a customer buying yours instead of theirs?

Quality, if you have a better quality but similar item they are more likely to buy yours.


Why does ethics matter is a work environment?

Your correct


Mothers against drunk driving is a group that advocates against drunk driving and will use political influence to influence laws. What type of task environment is this? A. Local communities. B. Employee organizations. C. Special-interest groups. D. Strategifc alliances. 



A company makes the most revenue in the most ethical way, while also gaining the growth rate each year. What topic in the triple bottom line is this company exercising?



What level on the pyramid is someone who would help the employees achieve there daily goal?

Team leaders

If running a business at max growth rate and income you must get items out and made as quickly as possible, but remaining the quality of your item and price. What word would be an example of getting something done well and fast?



Johnny is a manager that has been yelling and berating people for not doing there job correctly, how could he have handled this is a more ethical way? A-go to anger management classes B-Tell them what they did wrong and how to correct it C-yell at them for what they did wrong and how to correct It 

B. Tell them what they did wrong and how to fix it


Amazon is setting up a warehouse in a small town, around Georgia that would provide jobs for people and help the economy grow. What task environment is this? 

Local communities 


Why would a company use the triple bottom line, or exercise the use of the triple bottom line?

Encourage businesses to equally weigh their financial, social and environmental impacts when evaluating their performance or business outcome.


What level on the pyramid is someone who would implements the policies and plans of the top Managers above them?

Middle managers


A company like Apple is always in competition with Samsung, and other phone companies. Do you think these managers face or use any of the 4 main definitions of management?

Yes, Apple uses every single one, making things fast, efficient, quality, as well as innovating with the new technology.


A bank has created phantom accounts in people names to make there numbers look better, is this ethical?



Why is task environment important to businesses? 

It's important because it helps companies achieve their goals. 
