Who Am I?
Digging Up History
The Early Dayz
Welcome to New York
Its Yap Time

I study how humans of the past lived

What is an Anthropologist?


The hardened remains or imprints of living things that existed long ago are known as

What is fossils?


To begin the Neolithic Era, which method of obtaining food did humans figure out to use

What is farming?


A system that a community uses to produce and distribute goods is known as 

What is an economy?


How did the last great Ice Age affect humans?

1) The formation of land bridges allowed groups to migrate across the world...

2) Plant growth increased, which made way for farming...

3) Larger animals died out, forcing humans to seek and create a new way of easily accessing meat (domestication/farming)


I am a human ancestor that lived millions of years ago

What is a hominin?


Depictions of respect for the spiritual world, especially with animals, is known as 

What is Animism?


The Old Stone Age is also known as the...

What is the Paleolithic Era?


What benefit of ancient communities eventually led to certain people starting to specialize in a craft

What is a surplus of food?


Explain how the Neolithic Agricultural Revolution changed the way humans would obtain the resources they needed to survive

Domestication and farming of vegetation, fruits, and animals allowed humans to easily sustain themselves and their communities. Not only did the size of their produce change, but also the variety. New foods included bread from wheat, dairy, and exotic fruits... 


I am of the species of remains found in the Neander Valley in Germany

What is a Neanderthal?


What evidence was found to have shown a possible complex culture of ancient communities of humans

What is artwork?


When people leave their homeland to live somewhere else, this is known as...

What is migration?


Where do most ancient cities 'spring' up next to

What are rivers/bodies of water?


What were some of the costs and benefits of farming for humans in ancient cultures?

Costs: Farming was a hard and busy life. It presented problems such as, finding the right land for crops/animals, bad weather, animal diseases, and danger from nomads.

Benefits: Farming produced more food, required less land, and stability allowed for the building of permanent homes, which allowed for families to develop.


I moved around from place to place in search of food and resources

What is a Nomad?


What is the best method of evidence historians can use to learn about ancient cultures

What are written records?


Which continent is most credited to be where humans originated from

What is Eastern Africa?


The social class structure of ancient communities mostly resembled a...

What is a pyramid?


Define civilization. Then select TWO basic features that make up a civilization and describe them

1) A complex society that has cities, a well-organized government, and workers with specialized job skills

  • Cities
  • Government 
  • Established Religion
  • Job Specialization
  • Social Classes
  • Public Works 
  • Arts & Architecture 
  • Writing

I am typically at the top of the social class structure in ancient society

What is a King or Priest?


What was the name of the most credited first city in the world

What is Uruk?


What is the name of a community that sustains itself by having members hunt for wild animals and others collect natural goods of the Earth 

What is a hunter-gatherer community?


Though ancient governments helped to raise up armies, divide labor for public works, and establish a set of universal rules...this internal threat often hurt or demolished entire cities

What are Warlords?


What is Miss Albertson's middle name

Nicole (womp womp)
