A ______ officer is someone who manages the transportation of people, equipment, and supplies in a correctional facility?
Transport officer
What does making a difference mean?
Having a strong impact on your community and being a role model
What is the difference between an indirect and direct job?
Direct is an immediate hands on job with the offenders
What does ACA stand for?
American Correctional Association
What is officer presence?
Making extra rounds to act as a deterrent, noticing baseline behaviors in offenders and preventing things from getting out of control
A _______ counselor is someone who works with inmates for counseling and rehabilitation?
Correctional counselor
Keeping the public safe and being involved (volunteering with events and being social)
Indirect or direct?
Health Services Job
Nonprofit organization that advocates improvement through the justice system
What does it mean to be a mentor?
Teaching new staff to also enhance your own knowledge
What is the role of a supervisor and administrator in corrections?
Supervisor: Someone who oversees a specific shift or unit, watching over who is working and what is going on
Administrator: Someone who manages the total operation of a correctional facility
What does it mean to make a difference for your offenders and their families?
Being a role model and providing structure as well as accountability
Indirect or direct?
Administrative job
Who is the ACA available too?
Staff that works in juvenile and adult facilities
Learning other specialized jobs to be able to help more in the facility and enhance your knowledge/profession
Who is responsible for incoming inmates; their risks, needs, and security level placement?
Classification officer
What does it mean to make a difference for your staff?
Displaying team work, strong communication and integrity
Indirect or direct?
Correctional Counselor
What does the ACA offer?
Professional certification, job advancements, and more education
What is the CERT?
Correctional Emergency Response Team- training on specilized functions
Which role in corrections process and records information on the arrested individuals?
Booking officer
What does it mean to make a difference for your yourself?
Enhancing your own knowledge and expertise
Indirect or direct?
Food services
What does the ACA sponsor?
Conferences, workshops, facility tours and classes
What are table top exercises?
Being apart of interactive discussions in real life scenarios and possible solutions