Many African cultures place strong emphasis on this unit of society, which often includes extended relatives.
The movement to decolonize education in Africa emphasizes teaching in these, which are often the first languages of many students.
indigenous or local languages
During the colonial period, European education systems were introduced to Africa, often teaching in these languages instead of indigenous ones.
European languages
The introduction of this type of education, emphasizing the importance of sustainable practices, is being promoted in African schools to address environmental challenges.
environmental education
This popular African dance style, rooted in rhythm and storytelling, has influenced music genres worldwide, including jazz and hip-hop.
African Dance
Storytelling in African culture often involves this method, which relies on spoken word and memory instead of written records.
Oral tradition
Decolonizing education aims to prioritize knowledge systems and traditions from this source instead of relying solely on imported ideologies.
African Heritage
After independence, many African countries struggled with this challenge, as they had inherited education systems that were not suited to their needs.
lack of adaptability
This organization, founded in 1963, focuses on promoting unity and cooperation among African nations, including in the field of education.
African Union (AU)
This iconic African animal is often featured in traditional stories and is considered a symbol of wisdom in many cultures.
The Elephant
This continent is known for its rich diversity of languages, with over 2,000 spoken across its nations.
One goal of decolonized education is to address and dismantle the lingering effects of this era of foreign control over African nations.
The spread of this European religion played a significant role in shaping the curriculum in many African schools during colonial times.
In many African countries, education is compulsory at the primary level, aiming to provide all children with access to this basic human right.
free or cumpulsory education
This continent-wide sport, popular across many African countries, brings communities together for both recreational and competitive events.
In African cultures, sharing meals from a communal dish is often seen as a symbol of this.
Post-independence education reforms in Africa often include rewriting textbooks to include stories of resistance and contributions from these groups.
African leaders and communities
Many African nations introduced these educational reforms after independence to remove colonial influences and promote self-determination.
educational independence
In many African countries, there is a growing movement to incorporate this type of knowledge, emphasizing local practices and cultural heritage, into school curricula.
indigenous knowledge or African centered education
This popular African fruit, often eaten as a snack or used in dishes, is grown widely across the continent and is known for its bright yellow or orange flesh.
This traditional African greeting often emphasizes respect and inquiring about family and well-being.
"how are you" or a communal greeting!
Decolonization of education in Africa seeks to replace curricula centered on this continent’s perspective with those reflecting African cultures and histories.
European colonizers established these institutions in Africa to train local elites and reinforce the values of colonial rule.
mission schools or colonial schools
In some African countries, these traditional ceremonies or rituals are used to help children transition from childhood to adulthood, often impacting their education and social roles.
rites of passage
This animal, often revered in African folklore, is a symbol of strength, intelligence, and leadership in many cultures across the continent.