You meet up with your friend at a restaurant so you can tell her about your new job.
What is Face-to-Face?
You're trying to talk with your next-door neighbor about weed killer spray, but you're distracted by tooth pain, making it hard to focus on what they're saying.
What is Physical Noise?
You see your classmate laughing while they're using their phone, so you assume they're having a fun conversation.
What is interpretation?
You ask your mom, "What would you like from the store?" she responds back," Can you bring me 2% milk, please?"
What is Sender & Receiver?
What is Context?
A popular type of communication that involves sending messages from one cell phone to another.
What is Texting?
You're trying to focus during an important meeting, but your persistent headache and the ringing in your ears make it difficult to understand the discussion fully.
What is Physiological Noise?
Your mom is telling you to clean your room, and you tune her out, but you hear every word your best friend says to you when they complain about their partner.
What is Selection?
Bringing your Girlfriend Flowers.
What is Message?
Issac goes to church wearing nice clothes and doesn't swear to the pastor.
What is appropriate?
A type of communication that involves speaking to another individual over the phone.
What is Phone Call?
When your negative feelings towards someone make it difficult to process their message, even when they are speaking directly to you.
What is Psychological Noise?
You are auditioning for a Broadway show, and you get picked for the role you want.
What is Organization?
You're asking your teacher if you're allowed to go to the bathroom, she nods her head.
What is Feedback?
Your mom wants you to pick up milk and gives you all the details you will need to get the milk she wants
What is Effective?
Your friend posts a photo online so you comment on their post.
What is Social Media?
You're in class listening to your professor discuss tonight's assignment, but you can't concentrate because you haven't eaten all day.
What is Physical Noise?
You and your partner disagree on how to raise your child, and you try to understand where they are coming from while they explain their reasoning.
What is Active?
Telling someone to "Stop" if you see a car coming their way.
What is Code?
Two people are talking about their favorite movie
What is Transactional?
How would you contact your professor?
What is Email?
The type of noise is caused by a physical condition, such as hearing loss, headaches, or other bodily disturbances that interfere with effective message reception.
What is Physiological Noise?
You and your best friend got into a fight this morning, and because you are angry at them, you are easily irritated in class that day.
What is Subjective?
Your mom asked you to buy cereal from the store, so you bought Cheerios because she usually buys that brand.
What is Encoding & Decoding?
Every time Karla goes to the gym, something bad always occurs. So now she associates the gym with something bad happening.
What is Perceptual Constancy?