Government and Economy
Daily Life & Family Roles

What is a nomad?

a person who moves in the region they live in to follow herds of animals and collect food.


How did the First Americans travel from Asia to the Americas?

A. They rowed boats.

C. They took an airplane

D. They crossed the Bering Strait by walking.

C. They drove over a bridge 

D. They crossed the Bering Straight by walking.


True or False: Every single American Indian Tribe shared the same customs and traditions.

Fales. Some tribes may have had similar customs and traditions, but the region where they lived played a big part. 


Why do people trade with others?

People traded with others for supplies and materials that they needed, but did not have where they lived.


True or False, everyone in the tribe had a role and job.



What is government?

 is the system for making rules and decisions, to help a group or nation.


 How many years ago did the first group of people travel from Asia to North American

A. 200,000 years ago

B. 150,000 years ago

C. 15,000 years ago

D. 1,000,000 years ago

C. 15,000 years ago


What is the difference between customs and tradition?

Customs are ways of life that are repeated on a regular basis, whereas tradition is is a custom or belief that is passed on from one generation to the next.


How was a chief elected? 

A chief was chosen by the group’s family members.


What job did men and women both share?

Men and women both farmed, but their jobs were different.


What is a civilization?

A society that has organized systems of government, religion, and learning is called a


Which Americas were not home to advanced civilizations?

A. Central America

B. North America

C. South America

D. The United States of America

D. The United States of America


How does region play a role in a tribes customs and traditions?

The impact a region has on the customs and traditions of a tribe define what they are known for. For example, tribes living along the coast are known for their fishing, whereas tribes in the Great Plains are known for their hunting. Language, hairstyles, clothing, and jewelry are also influenced by the regions tribes live in.

What is the difference between a league and a confederacy?

A confederacy is a group whose members share the same goals with a written or oral form of an alliance or agreement. A league is a group whose members share the same goals. 


Who told the folktale stories to the tribe?

The elders in the tribe were the ones responsible for telling the folktale stories of the tribe to the next generation of people that will pass it down.

What is an economy?

is the system of how a group makes, shares, and uses goods.


What type of action is an example an American Indian group changing its environment?

A.  sailing across the Pacific Ocean

B. making peace with a warring group

C.  digging canals to transport water to crops

D.  migrating across a temporary land bridge

C.  digging canals to transport water to crops.

In Native American religions, who were the people that were believed to have powers of healing, guiding, and special knowledge/skills?

Shamans were called two-spirits and were believed to contain both male and female spirits. People believed that these individuals had special knowledge or skills, such as the ability to heal the sick or to pray to the forces they felt guided them.


What is a trading network and why was it important?

A trading network are systems of trade routes that connected different areas. Larger trade networks often resulted in being able to trade more goods and to obtain trade goods that were difficult to find.


What were the daily jobs of men, women and children?

Men hunted, fishes, protected the village, and performed religious and social tasks.

Women cooked food men brought back to the village; collected nuts, seed and berries; took care of the children; and made clothing and household goods.

Children did chores with their mothers when they are young but when they got older they were taught games that prepared them for adulthood, and listened to storytellers to learn about their group’s customs and traditions.


What does migrate mean?

To move from one place to another.


What are some reasons why people would migrate?

Some reasons people migrate to a new place are  to search for more or better food, for better weather, access to drinking/farming water, and a better place to live.


What game was invented by the Woodlands Indians that is still played today?



Choose one American Indian group and describe how they used the land to trade with other groups.

Answers may vary.


What games and activities did American Indian children play, and why did they have to learn them?

Native American children learned games for two reasons: 1) to train for adulthood and 2) to learn skills that they can use when they become adults.

Examples of games: fishing, lacrosse, basket weaving and clay pottery.
