Code of Ethics
Chapter 2 Theories
Chapter 1
Research/ Theory
What is one example of the importance of the code of ethics.
What is the social work code of ethics teaches new social workers the mission, values, ethical perspectives, and various ethical policies and standards.
Human behavior unfolds across the life course. People can change and stay the same over time. Human development occurs in different stages. What perspective is this?
What is Development Perspective
What is the difference between acculturation and assimilation?
What is assimilation is mirroring a countries customs, values, and norms. Acculturation is incorporating elements of a different countries culture into their own.
This type of research captures how participants view social life through their own experiences and stories.
What is qualitative research
What does NASW stand for?
The National Association for Social Workers
Who is Erickson
What is the theorist of the life span/life cycle theory
What are three dimensions discussed in the text?
What is personal, environmental, time
Interrelated set of concepts and propositions that explain relationships among aspects of our world.
What is Theory
What are three of the six core values of social work
What is: The six core values are: integrity, dignity and worth of a person, importance of human relationships, service, competence, and social justice
What are two stages of Erickson's life cycle/ span theory?
What is:The 8 stages are trust vs mistrust, autonomy vs shame/doubt, initiative vs guilt, industry vs inferiority, identity vs role confusion, intimacy vs isolation, generality vs stagnation, integrity vs despair.
What are the four systems of the ecological perspective?
What is Micro, Meso, Exo, Macro
Name two criteria for evaluating research
What is corroboration, multidimensionality, definition of terms, limitation of sample, influence of setting, influence of the researcher, social distance, specification of inferences, suitability of measures.
What is the most important value of the six core values?
What is None social workers see them all to be equal.
Human behavior is learned as individuals interact with their environment. What perspective is this?
What is social behavior perspective
This refers to individual-level variations-differences among individuals.
What is Heterogeneity
A thoughtful and reflective judgement about alternative views and contradictory information is known as?
What is critical thinking
Who do social workers have ethical responsibilities to?
What is clients, colleagues, broader society, practice settings, professionals, practice settings, and social work profession.
What are three major versions of behavioral theory
What is Classical conditioning theory( Pavlov) , operant conditioning theory (Positive and Negative Reinforcements) , Cognitive social learning theory (Imitation and observing)
What is one type of self knowledge a social worker should have?
What is one's on thinking process, one's own emotions, and one's own social location.
Coherence and conceptual clarity, comprehensiveness, and testability and evidence of empirical support is criteria for evaluating what?
What is Theory