Components of a feedback loop
The body system responsible for maintaining tissue fluid levels and can also play a role in immune function.
Lymphatic system
Place where energy is stored in a molecule or compound.
Chemical bonds
Lemon juice= pH of 3.2
Name a carbohydrate monosaccharide.
Glucose, fructose, galactose, deoxyribose, and ribose
Regulation of body temperature, regulation of blood sugar, and regulation of pH. Positive or negative feedback?
The pH scale is a measurement of this in a solution.
Hydrogen ions (H+)
pH is important because the body functions in a narrow range of pH (blood cell function, metabolic function etc)
Type of bond that first creates ions due to an exchange of electrons.
Ionic bond
Proton acceptor; pH levels greater than 7
Provides structure to the plasma membrane and contains a hydrophilic head and hydrophobic tail.
Lactation and blood clotting
Positive feedback
Nervous and endocrine system
Two hydrogen molecules bonded together.
Covalent, non-polar bond
It's what salts do when placed in water.
Dissociate into ions.
Enzymes, amino acids, nitrogen, most abundant organic molecule
The variable that is responsible for bringing about some type of change to the stimulus.
An acid, when added to solution, will do this to the pH of the solution
Acid will lower the pH of the solution (an increase in hydrogen ions will decrease the pH--closer to zero)
Chemical bond that creates unequal charged ends of a molecule. Water is an example.
Covalent, polar bond.
Its hydrogen and oxygen bonds are polar, covalent bonds.
Carbohydrates found in nucleic acids
Pentose sugar: deoxyribose or ribose
Cells of the pancreas detect a drop in blood glucose. As a result, the pancreatic cells release glucagon. Glucagon travels through the blood to target the liver. As a result, the liver breaks down glycogen stores and releases glucose into the blood. Blood glucose levels start to rise and return to normal. What is the stimulus? What is the effector?
Drop in blood sugar; Liver
Solution A has a pH of 10, and solution B has a pH of 2. Which has the HIGHER number of hydrogen ions?
Solution B with a pH of 2
This reaction is used to bond monomers together to form polymers.
Dehydration synthesis reaction
Chemical reaction that uses water to split molecules apart.
Hydrolysis reaction
ADP + Pi + ENERGY= ? and H20