Civics Question T/F
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Quote Questions

T/F: Only the State Government can take away and give citizenship

False: Only the Federal Government can do that


a legal process to obtain citizenship



What country has the worlds oldest democracy?

a) France'

b) Germany

C) Ancient Greece

D) Asia

C)Ancient Greece 


T/F: The US Limits the amount of imigrants to about 10,000 immigrants allowed per year

False: limit is ~1 million imigrants per year


Vocab: the study of the rights and duties of citizens



T/F: The US currently does not have an active draft for service. 

True: last draft was 1973


the health, prosperity, and happiness of the members of a community



Which of the following is the most important american institution:

A) Philadelphia, 

B)The family, 

C) The environment, 

D)The washington Monument

B) The Family


“...Dozens of returned Peace Corps volunteers were sent to assist… in the relief and reconstruction efforts. It was the first time in the Peace Corps 45-year history that returned Peace Corps volunteers were deployed domestically, through the agency's crisis corpse program. 

“ the presence and dedication of Crisis corps Volunteers in the Gulf region speaks to the true patriotism, selflessness, and spirit of service the special men and women possess, said Peace Corps director Gaddy H Vasquez

1)Why was the deployment of Peace Corps volunteers to New Orleans unusual?

Peace Corps are deployed in other countries normally


T/F: Unitary systems of government have multiple levels of government that share power equally

False: that is Federal system, unitary system has one level of authority where the central government retains most political control


Vocab word: a group of people who share a common national, cultural, or racial background

ethnic group


Who does the US give the highest priority to for citizenship?

Family members of US Citizens 


What are the three common values of US citizens

freedom, equality, opportunity, justice, and democracy. Other shared American values include: unity, respect for one another, and tolerance. Freedom, equality, and justice


“...Dozens of returned Peace Corps volunteers were sent to assist… in the relief and reconstruction efforts. It was the first time in the Peace Corps 45-year history that returned Peace Corps volunteers were deployed domestically, through the agency's crisis corpse program. 

“ the presence and dedication of Crisis corps Volunteers in the Gulf region speaks to the true patriotism, selflessness, and spirit of service the special men and women possess, said Peace Corps director Gaddy H Vasquez

According to the passage above, crisis corpse appears to be: 

  1. Agency similar to Peace Corps 

  2. A program for returned Peace Corps volunteers who wish to contribute further service

  3. A program for volunteers who are not accepted into the Peace Corps 

  4. A program that sends Peace Corps volunteers to other countries 

2.A program for returned Peace Corps volunteers who wish to contribute further service


True/False: Getting elected by winning 55% of the vote is an example of majority rule 



a government in which one leader or group of people holds absolute power

Authoritarian Regime:


Which of the following is an example of representative democracy


B)Supreme Leader

C) Member of Congress

D) Dictator

C) member of congress


Name at least two duties, responsibilities, or privileges of citizenship that aliens cannot exercise

They may not serve on juries or work in most government jobs. In addition, aliens must carry identification cards at all times.


“...Dozens of returned Peace Corps volunteers were sent to assist… in the relief and reconstruction efforts. It was the first time in the Peace Corps 45-year history that returned Peace Corps volunteers were deployed domestically, through the agency's crisis corpse program. 

“ the presence and dedication of Crisis corps Volunteers in the Gulf region speaks to the true patriotism, selflessness, and spirit of service the special men and women possess, said Peace Corps director Gaddy H Vasquez

 What makes Peace Corps and Crisis Core volunteers patriotic?

The fact they support americans inn a time of need is patriotic while reciving no pay for it.
