Multiple Choice Pt. 1
Multiple Choice Pt. 2
Fill in the Blank Vocab
Written Response
Bonus Questions about Miss Jackson :)

Which of the following best describes the relative location of the United States?

A) north of Canada

B) east of the Gulf of Mexico 

C) west of the Atlantic Ocean

D) south of Mexico

C) west of the Atlantic Ocean


What is the main reason that Alaska has a colder climate than Hawaii?

A. Alaska has a higher elevation than Hawaii.

B. Alaska does not border an ocean, but Hawaii does.

C. Alaska is farther from the equator than Hawaii.

D. Alaska has fewer mountains than Hawaii.

C. Alaska is farther from the equator than Hawaii. 

Because the United States, is located north of the _______________, it lies in the Northern Hemisphere.

A. elevation

B. climate

C. equator

C. equator


What is the location of your state relative to the Mississippi River? (Hint: My state is...)

My state is located west of the Mississippi River. 


What is the name of my cat?



How do you find the nearest city on a map when given lines of latitude and lines of longitude?

A. Follow the given line coordinates until they meet at a point where they intersect

B. Just guess by finding any city on the map that looks correct 

A. Follow the given line degrees until they meet at a point where they intersect


Why is it important to be able to read and understand a line graph about average temperatures of a city?

A. We can know more about the climate throughout a year and determine when it is hotter or colder.

B. We can try to draw and match what the line graph looks like for fun. :)

A. We can know more about the climate throughout a year and determine when it is hotter or colder.


Mount McKinley has the highest _____________ in North America. 

A. landform

B. elevation

C. industry

B. elevation


How are the Coastal Plain and the Interior Plains alike? AND how are they different?

BOTH: are large areas of flat land in the U.S.

Interior Plains are in the middle, but the Coastal Plain is in the east part of the U.S.

The Coastal Plain is along the Atlantic Ocean, but the Interior Plains are located inland.


How old am I?


Which mountain range lies east of the Interior Plains?

A. the Appalachian Mountains

B. the Coast Ranges

C. the Sierra Nevada

D. the Rocky Mountains

A. the Appalachian Mountains


Which of the following resources is renewable?

A. coal

B. oil

C. copper

D. trees

D. trees


Plains are the most common _____________ in the middle part of the United States. 

A. industry 

B. elevation 

C. landform

C. landform


If a city is located in an area where there is many mountains, will the weather be colder or warmer? And why?

The city would be would be colder because it is in a higher elevation and is farther away from the equator. 

What city and state did I used to live and grow up in before I moved to Arizona?

San Diego, California


"The Mississippi River carries water all the way from its source in Minnesota to its mouth in the Gulf of Mexico."

What does the terms source mean in the sentence above?

A. the place where a river begins 

B. a part of an ocean or sea that extends into the land

C. the place where a river empties into a larger body of water

D. a river or stream that flows into a larger river

A. the place where a river begins


"When people use natural resources, they change their environment."

Which statement is the best description of environment?

A. the surroundings in which people live 

B. the surroundings in which plants and animals live

C. the surroundings in which people, plants, and animals live

D. the area surrounding a city

C. the surroundings in which people, plants, and animals live


Mountain areas usually have a colder __________ than valley areas.

A. climate

B. equator

C. industry

A. climate


What are the main sources of fresh water in the United States? How do people use this natural resource?

The main source comes from rivers, lakes, and groundwater.

People use water for drinking, cooking, cleaning, growing food, and creating power. 


What is my favorite color?



Which features best describe weather and climate? 

A. temperature, wind

B. rain, sleet, snow

C. wind, participation 

D. temperature, wind, participation 

D. temperature, wind, participation 


What is one way that people can help conserve (save) a nonrenewable resource such as oil?

A. by driving cars less often

B. by recycling paper

C. by planting new trees 

D. by drilling for more oil

A. by driving cars less often 


The farming ___________ needs a lot of water to grow crops. 

A. industry

B. landform

C. equator

A. industry


What is conservation? Why is it important?

Conservation is the protecting of natural resources and using them wisely. This is important because people need natural resources to survive and some resources are limited. 


What is my second favorite animal? (First is cats.)

