What is Science?
Science in Context
Studying Life
Which variable is the same for each test subject in an experiment?
The Control Variables
An organized way of gathering and analyzing evidence about the natural world is called...
Explain why peer review is important to the scientific process.
Peer review minimizes the chance of error and bias being published in a scientific journal which makes the experiment and conclusion more valid and reliable.
The process of change over time is called.....
Other names for the independent variables and dependent variables are...
Manipulated Variable & Responding Variable
How is an inferences related to a hypothesis?
An inference uses prior knowledge to make a logical interpretation. An inference, combined with creativity, can lead to a hypothesis.
What are the 4 traits of a scientific attitude that we discussed in class?
Curiosity, skepticism, open-mindedness, and creativity
The universal genetic code of living things is called...
DNA (Deoxyribonucleic Acid)
Identify the independent and the dependent variable in the following statement: How does the length of a string affect the number of times a pendulum will swing back and forth in 10 seconds?
Independent Variable - The length of the string. Dependent Variable - The number of times the pendulum swings back and forth.
A scientific investigation begins with a(n)...
What does it mean to be skeptical?
If you are skeptical, you question existing ideas and hypothesises. You also refuse to accept explanations without evidence.
Explain what happens to your body when you undergo extreme conditions.
Your body will work to maintain stable internal conditions through the process of homeostasis.
Identify 3 control variables in the following statement: How does the length of a string affect the number of times a pendulum will swing back and forth in 10 seconds?
Possible Control Variables - The size of the pendulum, the type of string, the height it is dropped, time allowed to swing
What are the goals of science?
Provide natural explanations for events in the natural world. Use explanations to understand patterns in nature. Make useful predictions about natural events.
What is a scientific theory?
A scientific theory is a well-tested explanation that unifies a broad range of observations and hypotheses. It enables scientists to make accurate predictions about new situations.
Describe the difference between sexual and asexual reproduction.
Sexual reproduction requires a male and female parent which provides 50% of it's DNA. The offspring is similar but not identical to it's parents. Asexual reproduction requires one parent which passes 100% of its DNA to it's offspring, causing the offspring to be identical to it's parent.
Describe an experiment and identify the different variables.
Answers will vary.
Distinguish between a control group and an experimental group?
A control group is the group that is not tested with the independent variable - the conditions do not change. The experimental group is tested with the independent variable and the scientist is going to compare the results of the control and experimental groups.
What does it mean for a theory to be dominant?
A well-tested and well-supported theory may become the popular accepted explanation for something, making it the dominant theory. However, science is always changing and new evidence can cause a dominant theory to be changed or revised.
List three examples of stimuli that humans respond to.
Answers will vary.