Research Consumers
People who actively conduct studies, design experiments, and collect data.
Research producers
______ involves using evidence from observation as the basis for conclusions.
Researchers start with a theory and use it to develop a...
Articles written for the general public, often oversimplifying scientific findings.
A set of observations.
People who apply knowledge gained from research to solve problems or make decisions in their everyday lives or professions.
Research consumers
What kind of research enhances a general body of knowledge rather than aiming to solve a particular problem in the real world?
Basic research
Why don't we say "prove" in science?
(1) Empiricists avoid inferences that are not directly observable
(2) We cannot observe all occurrences
_______ are written by various researchers.
Scientific journals
Define disinterestedness with respect to Merton's Norms.
Scientists strive to discover the truth and are not swayed by conviction, idealism, politics, or profit
The skills to critically evaluate research claims and identify credible sources are vital for this group.
Research consumers
What kind of research aims to solve a practical problem in the real-world?
Applied Research
Data can ______ or _______ a theory, but it cannot prove it.
Support or challenge
A secondhand report about research written by laypeople.
Which of Merton's Norms states that scientific knowledge is created by a community and its findings belong to the community?
Researchers who work in universities, hospitals, or labs are typically categorized as this.
Research producers
What kind of research uses lessons from basic and applied research in order to develop and test treatment interventions?
Translational research
Conducting the study again to test whether the results are consistent is known as...
The peer review process is included in...
Scientific journals
A statement that describes how variables relate to eachother.
Therapies that are supported by research are called...
Evidence-based treatments
List Merton's Scientific Norms.
Organized Skepticism
The expectation of a study's outcome (or the hypothesis) is ideally publicly stated after the study is designed and before collecting any data. This is known as...
A preregistered hypothesis
What are two ways you prevent being misled by journalists' coverage of science?
1. Find and read the original source (scientific journal article)
2. Maintain a skeptical mindset
What does the "weight of the evidence" refer to within a collection of scientific literature?
The proportion of studies that support a given theory.