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What you need
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For the Test

1. What was the main reason the first humans came to the Americas from Asia?

They were following the animals they hunt


What is the name of Mr. O'Leary's Cat



Which phrase best describes Pueblo peoples such as the Hopi and the Zuni?

Multiple choice question.

A) farmers who remained in one place and grew crops

B) gatherers who roamed the desert in search of edible plants

C) hunters who moved from place to place in pursuit of game animals

D) craftspeople who traveled all over the Southwest to sell their goods


What is the meaning of Mesas

flat topped hills with steep slopes


According to the traditional beliefs of the Hopi, what is the most important activity the kachinas help them do?

Succeed at farming


What is Mrs. O'Leary's Favorite Color

Any shade of blue


What is the meaning of the term hieroglyphs?

Symbols used in picture writing


What did Mrs. O'Leary ask Santa for for Christmas but Mr. O'Leary always says no

A dog


What happened to make hunter-gatherers in the Americas stop hunting and begin growing their own plants?

Several Kinds of animals had died off


What is Mr. O'Leary's Favorite Color



How was the Apache’s way of acquiring food different from that of the Navajo and Pueblo peoples?

They hunt buffalo and other animals


Which evidence from the text best supports the correct response to Kachinas helping with farming.

A)“According to Hopi beliefs, kachinas are spirits who live in sacred places for half of the year.”

B) “During the other half, they live near the Hopi villages and bring with them rain and the growing season.”

C) “The kachinas are represented by masked dancers who perform in the villages when the kachinas visit.”

D) “There are hundreds of kachinas, so the dancers often give small carved kachina dolls to children to help them learn about the spirits.”

During the other half they live near the Hopi Villages and bring with them rain and the growing season


When discussing Pueblo homes and how they are built, what are two details we know about the Pueblo people

They were sometimes attacked by outsiders

the were very skilled builders.


Place the following the events in the order they happened. Start by putting the earliest event at the top.

 Farming began in the Americas

 The “Classic Period” of the Maya Civilization ended

 Mound Builders of the Adena Culture began establishing sites in the Ohio Valley

The Hohokam moved from Mexico to the Southwest

 Farming began in the Americas

 Mound Builders of the Adena Culture began establishing sites in the Ohio Valley

The Hohokam moved from Mexico to the Southwest

The “Classic Period” of the Maya Civilization ended


What was the main reason that the Ancestral Pueblo lived high up on steep slopes?

To help keep them safe from attacks


What was the main reason that Native Americans of the Mississippian culture were able to establish sizable living centers?

They grew a great deal of food


What is Mrs. O'Leary's Favorite Food



One of the most important effects of farming is that a community can raise more food than it needs to feed itself. This food surplus allows some people in the community to focus on the arts and religion that help to create a civilization.” Which sentence best supports the correct response

A) “About 11,500 years ago, the last Ice Age ended.”

B) “The climate of the Western Hemisphere slowly grew warmer and drier.” 

C) “Many of the Ice Age animals that the early Native Americans had hunted became extinct.”

D) “Instead of gathering wild plants, they began to grow their own food.”


What 4 teams made it to the college football playoffs this year?

Ohio Sate





What was the main way in which scholars were able to identify the Navajo’s closest Native American relations?

By their languages

What is the weather like outside today?

Raining and cold


2 minute group writing assignment: Discuss and write your answer on the paper. We will then read them and decide who to award points to. Using details from the text, summarize the origin of the “mound Builders” name and three specific Mound Builder Cultures.

Teacher Judge


What is Mr. O'Leary's Favorite Food



summarize the process of building an Apache wickiup.

1. make poles from flexible branches 2. dig holes in a circle. 3. bend the poles and tie with animal skins. 4. tie smaller poles around the sides and the top. 5. cover the dome with reed mats and animal skins. 6. Install a fire pit and a smoke hole


Name The O'Leary Kids



