Attributes of Life
The Scientific Method
Worldview Matters
Energy and Information
God's World

True or False:

Response in an organism is a type of structure

False - It is a type of function (p.7)


Describing the eating habits of a new species frog is a(n) ______________ of science.

A. Observation

B. Interpretation

A. Observation (p.11)


A view of the world that is based on what God tells us in His Word, using Creation, the Fall, and Redemption to frame one's perspective

Biblical Worldview (p.10)


How is information stored in cells?

DNA and RNA (p.9)


What makes humans unique or set apart from other living/created things?

We have been made in God's image (p.4)


The ability to adapt is part of which attribute of life?

Response (p.7)


Describing how a frog's eating habits were created by God is a(n) ___________ of science.

A. Observation

B. Interpretation

B. Interpretation (p.11)


The view that the world works as a series of natural processes with no designer or master plan

Naturalistic worldview (p.10)


How do information and energy relate to one another?

Information directs the activity of an organism, which requires energy to execute (p.9)

Which 2 commands can give us a biblical approach to studying biology?

1. The Creation Mandate

2. The command to love others (p.5)


Organisms can grow using these two mechanisms

Increasing in size, and replacement of cells (p.7)


What does it mean for a model to be workable?

A workable model is practical, and changeable (p.12)


How does worldview affect the way people form models?

Interpretation of observations can be influenced by worldview, which can then influence how those observations are modeled (p.10-12)


Wombats don't have tails. Because of this, the offspring of wombats don't have tails either. This is an example of ________. Why?

A. Flow of Energy

B. Flow of Information

B. Flow of Information

This example shows that information in the parent wombat is transferred to its offspring (p.9)


Why did God give people the task of managing the earth?

We are made in God's image and so reflect the qualities that He Himself possesses (p. 4)


What happens when worn-out cells die faster than new cells can reproduce?

The organism will die. (p.8)


What kinds of answers can scientific models give us? What can they not give us?

Models can provide useful, workable answers, but they cannot produce final, absolute answers (p.12)


What is the significance of worldview in conversations about bioethics and biotechnology?

Those with a Biblical worldview will refer to Scripture and base ethical questions upon the truth therein.

Those with a Naturalistic worldview will not base their ethical decisions on Scripture.

A Biblical worldview is necessary to determine right from wrong. (p.17)


How does the information stored in DNA aid with the digestion of food?

Information from DNA directs cells to perform digestion (p.9)


You have been tasked with helping someone decide whether an experiment is ethical or not. What should be the basis for this bioethical decision?

Bioethical decisions should be based on Scripture (p.17)


List all 6 attributes of life. No partial credit!

1. Cells

2. Reproduction

3. Metabolism

4. Organization

5. Growth

6. Response



The model of DNA is based on observations and works very well to explain how information is transferred from one cell to another. Why might the DNA model need to be changed one day?

Models change as new observations are made. If a new observation is made that contradicts the current model of DNA, then the model would need to change. (p.12,15)


During a visit to a museum, you see an exhibit of skeleton fragments. The signs on the exhibit say these are the remains of a Neanderthal, a relative of modern humans that lived 200,000 years ago.

What 2 presuppositions are revealed in these signs? Which worldview do they represent?

1. That humans were not created because they share an ancestor with Neanderthals

2. The earth existed 200,000 years ago

These are part of a Naturalistic Worldview (p.10)


Describe the flow of energy from the sun to a person through natural processes in living things.

Energy from the sun is used by a plant to make energy for itself, which can then be transferred to a person when they eat that plant. A person can also get the energy from the plant by eating an animal that ate the plant. (p.8)


How can Christians fulfill God's command to love others and the Creation Mandate through conservation?

Conservation is the wise use and preservation of materials. Part of the Creation Mandate is that we be good managers or stewards of the earth's resources. Loving others and God is fulfilled when resources are used wisely to care for fellow image bearers. (p.16-17)
