makes up the grey matter in the brain
What are cell bodies?
processes sound, language, memory, and smell
What is the temporal lobe?
90% of sensory and motor neurons decussate here
What is the medulla oblongata?
it's used almost exclusively for visual processing
What are the occipital lobes?
integrates, projects, and regulates sensory information and relays it to the cortex and other parts of the brain
What's the thalamus?
the two types of cells that compose the CNS
What are neurons and glial cells?
The oldest part of the brain that controls many basic functions.
The most common cause of left neglect.
What's damage to the right parietal lobe?
another name for the superior temporal gyrus
What is BA 41, A1, the primary auditory cortex
The cerebrum and the cerebellum also send signals to the what ?
makes up the white matter in a brain
What are axons?
a part of the brain inferior the the occipital lobe responsible for fine-motor movements
Everything that isn't the brain or spinal cord.
What is the peripheral nervous system?
It's posterior to the central sulcus
What is the primary somatosensory cortex?
post-central gyrus
an electrical transition of neuro transmitters into the synaptic space
What is an action potential?
___ is inferior to the thalamus and plays a major role in controlling the autonomic nervous system
Alien hand conflict and split brain syndrome.
What are symptoms caused by damage to the corpus collosum?
Also known as broca's area
What is BA 44?
It's not responsible for initiating motor movement, but it does modulate and fine tune it.
basal ganglia
They produce the myelin sheath in the CNS.
What are Oligodendrogial cells?
Located above the brainstem and below the cerebrum lies a collection of structures referred as the
limbic system
These connect areas of the brain within the same hemisphere.
What are association fibers?
Located in the left parietal lobe and is responsible for processing written language.
What is the angular gyrus?
It's called a lobe, but it's more like a system.
What is limbic?