Germs and Women
Early Nurse Anesthetists
The Mother of Anesthesia, Part 1
The Mother of Anesthesia, Part 2

Virginia Thatcher named what two things as deserving credit for the greatest contribution to the relief of human suffering between 1860 and 1900?

Women and the discovery of germs


What was a common complication from administration of pure ether vapor on a soaked sponge?

"Ether pneumonia"


Who is considered the first “identifiable” nurse anesthetist?

Sister Mary Bernard


Who were the Mayo clinic’s first two nurse anesthetists?

Dinah and Edith Graham


Who is regarded as "The Mother of Anesthesia"?

Alice Magaw


In 1867, what method was devised by Joseph Lister to act as an antiseptic for surgery?

Using carbolic acid as a germ killer


Why were physicians not interested in specializing in anesthesia in the late 1800s?

There were a lack of financial and professional incentives 


What nineteenth century group of women made significant contributions to professional anesthesia care?

Religious nursing Sisters


The Sisters of St. Francis had a community in Rochester, Minnesota that established what iconic hospital?

St. Mary’s Hospital (later renamed the Mayo Clinic)


What anesthesia technique and associated apparatus made their way into the Mayo clinic and were paramount in changing the way that anesthesia was administered?

The open-drop method and Esmarch mask


In the study The Social Transformation of American Medicine, who does Paul Starr claim started the movement toward nursing reform?

Upper-class women


What was the danger of having an inexperienced surgical intern perform anesthesia on patients?

The intern would pay more attention to the surgery than the patient, causing frequent "careless" anesthetic overdoses 


The American Association of Nurse Anesthetists conferred its Award of Appreciation to what community located in Springfield, Illinois in 1954?

The Hospital Sisters of the Third Order of St. Francis


In 1862, who first described a device that used a chloroform bottle with a drop tube attachment to control its flow onto a small fabric-covered wire frame that was held over the patient’s face?

Thomas Skinner


What was the name of the report detailing over 3,000 cases administered by nurse anesthetist Alice Magaw?

Observations in Anesthesia


"Antiseptic conscience" was the appreciation that most germs were located in what three areas?

On the patient, the hands of the surgeon, and the surgical instruments


Henry Bigelow claimed an anesthetic needed to have what three characteristics?

1) Affects everyone similarly 

2) Consistently provides pain relief for a predetermined length of time 

3) Is safe


“Moved by compassion for her patients,” how did Sister Marie S. Anderson seek to learn more about alleviating discomfort in her own patients?

She began experimenting with the ether mask on herself


What was regarded as the primary difference between British and American anesthesia according to the British president of the Section of Anaesthetics?

American anesthesia used a lighter anesthesia because of its safety


What is the name of the method for applying anesthetic liquid every 2 seconds to a mask?

Open drop ether


Who claimed that "nursing made medicine look good"?

Ellen Davidson Baer


What does the term "ghost anesthesia" refer to?

Surgeons who increased their fees for patients requesting experienced anesthesia providers, pocketing the additional anesthetic fee for themselves, and actually having an inexperienced student perform the anesthetic 


What technique did Sister Marie S. Anderson discover to help alleviate fear and discomfort in her patients when utilizing the ether mask?

She would start holding the mask away from her face and gradually bring the mask closer as the patient became used to breathing in the vapor


Alice Magaw and this anesthetist were renowned for their ability to “talk their patients to sleep"

Florence Henderson


What was a technique used by the Mayo nurse anesthetists that Mrs. Dickerson-Berry identified as having a profound impact on the temperament of patients receiving anesthesia?

"The patient is talked to soothingly all the time"
