The Conservation Movement
Source 1
Source 2
Source 3

Which of the following answers are NOT an example of a natural resource?

A. Tree

B. Cotton

C. Buffalo

D. Plastic

D. Plastic


What was the name of the most famous conservationist at this time? 

Hint: Theodore Roosevelt went on a camping trip with him!

A. William McKinley

B. John Muir

C. George Washington Carver

D. Morris Michtom 

B. John Muir


What stuffed toy did Morris Michtom invent after Theodore Roosevelt refused to hunt the tied up bear?

The teddy bear 

True or False: Theodore Roosevelt has a national park named after him in North Dakota. 


Fun Fact: Theodore Roosevelt is the only single person to have a national park named for him. It is called the Theodore Roosevelt National Park. 


What is the definition of the word "mar" as it is used in Source 3?

A. to damage something; to make something less good

B. the quality of being awesome and impressive

C. many years

D. human beings

A. to damage something; to make something less good


Why is conservation important?

A. It helps the population grow. 

B. It creates more goods and services for consumers.

C. It creates more goods and services for producers. 

D. It protects plants, animals, and resources for future generations.

D. It protects plants, animals, and resources for future generations.


Which of the following answers was a nickname for George Washington Carver?

Bonus: Explain why he was called this nickname for an extra 200 points!

A. The Peanut Man 

B. Teddy 

C. The Conservation President 

D. The Inventor of Peanut Butter

A. The Peanut Man 

He was given this nickname because he taught farmers that growing peanuts was great for their soil. He also came up with more than 300 new ways to use peanuts, such as wood stains, cosmetics, flour, and dyes. 


How did Theodore Roosevelt respond when one of his men tied up a bear to a tree during a hunting trip?

He refused to shoot the bear.


Which region (area) of the United States had the most national parks?

A. eastern United States

B. western United States

C. northeastern United States

D. southeastern United States

B. western United States


What is the definition of the word "grandeur" as it is used in Source 3?

A. to damage something; to make something less good

B. the quality of being awesome and impressive

C. many years

D. human beings

B. the quality of being awesome and impressive


What are two of the causes for the Conservation Movement, which began in the early 1900s?

A. Natural resources began to be damaged.

B. People wanted to learn about their environment.

C. People worried the natural resources would be used up.

D. The government wanted to control the use of resources for economic reasons. 

E. People were worried that there would be too many natural resources. 

A. Natural resources began to be damaged.

C. People worried the natural resources would be used up.


What are two ways that Theodore Roosevelt's legacy lasts today? 

A. Individuals and governments continue to work to clean up land. 

B. He is the first president to earn his degree in nature preservation. 

C. He became the only single person to have a national park named for him. 

D. He was the youngest president in our nation's history. 

E. He enjoyed hunting and camping.  

A. Individuals and governments continue to work to clean up land.

C. He became the only single person to have a national park named for him.  


What were two of Theodore Roosevelt's beliefs about the environment and wildlife?

A. He believed hunting should be fair. 

B. He believed animals should never be hunted. 

C. He believed the country needed more jobs and factories. 

D. He believed in preserving natural resources. 

E. He believed all land should be changed to meet the needs of the people. 

A. He believed hunting should be fair. 

D. He believed in preserving natural resources.


Which two answers are illegal for someone to do in national parks?

A. Visit the parks with friends and family

B. Take pictures of the parks' wildlife

C. Poach animals in the parks

D. Build railroads to make traveling around the parks easier

C. Poach animals in the parks

D. Build railroads to make traveling around the parks easier


What did Theodore Roosevelt want to happen to the Grand Canyon?

A. He wanted the Grand Canyon to be changed into a city. 

B. He wanted the Grand Canyon to be preserved. 

C. He wanted the animals to be protected in the grand canyon. 

D. He wanted the Grand Canyon to have beautiful statues. 

B. He wanted the Grand Canyon to be preserved.


What problems did farmers in the south face after they planted cotton in the same place every year for years and years? 

Hint: How did it affect the soil and how the cotton grew?

The soil lost its nutrients and cotton began to not grow as well. 


How did George Washington Carver help with the problems the south faced from planting cotton?

He taught the farmers to grow crops that helped the soil. 


Why did Theodore Roosevelt refuse to shoot a bear that one of his men tied to a tree?

Hint: Think about Theodore Roosevelt's beliefs when it came to hunting. 

He refused to shoot the bear because it was not fair to hunt an animal who could not escape.


What promise did Theodore Roosevelt make in his election campaign (when he was running for president)? 

A. to support industry in the U.S. 

B. to build U.S. international trade

C. to stop the destruction of nature in America

D. to support equal rights for all people in the U.S. 

C. to stop the destruction of nature in America


Which phrase supports that Theodore Roosevelt wanted national parks, like the Grand Canyon, to be preserved?

A. "Leave it as it is."

B. "The ages have been at work..."

C. "What can you do..."

D. "...if he can travel at all..."

A. "Leave it as it is."


Name at least two animals that were being over hunted during this time. 

Bonus: Earn an extra 100 points for each extra animal you can name correctly in a row!

Buffalo, elk, whitetail deer, turkeys, ducks, geese, doves, pigeons, passenger pigeons, etc. 


What was an accomplishment of Theodore Roosevelt? 

Bonus: Give two reasons for why this accomplishment was important to the United States. For each reason you can give, earn an extra 300 points! 

Accomplishments: 1) he protected public lands 2) he wrote books 3) he passed new conservation laws

Reasons: 1) national parks were made and more than 230 million acres of land became protected by the U.S. government 2) he spread information about why conservation was important and inspired others to care about saving natural resources 3) the Lacey Act made it illegal to hunt illegally on public lands and the Clean Water Act helped to keep pollution out of the water 


Which of the following answers best describes source 1?

A. It is a political cartoon of Morris Michtom inventing the teddy bear. 

B. It is a map of the black bear population in the United States. 

C. It is a political cartoon of Theodore Roosevelt's hunting trip where he refused to shoot a tied up bear.

D. It is a political cartoon of Theodore Roosevelt successfully hunting a black bear he found on a hunting trip. 

C. It is a political cartoon of Theodore Roosevelt's hunting trip where he refused to shoot a tied up bear.


Which of the following answers best describes Source 2?

A. It is a political cartoon of all of the national parks that were destroyed by over using natural resources.

B. It is a map that shows where all of the national parks in the U.S.A. are located.

C. It is a map of all of the physical features found in the U.S.'s national parks. 

D. It is a map of every tree in the U.S.A.

B. It is a map that shows where all of the national parks in the U.S.A. are located.


Which of the following answers best describes Source 3?

A. It is a political cartoon that tells us how Theodore Roosevelt feels about hunting animals. 

B. It is a primary source that tells us about George Washington Carver's farming methods. 

C. It is a primary source that tells us about how Theodore Roosevelt wants Americans to treat nature, like the Grand Canyon. 

D. It is a secondary source that tells us about how Theodore Roosevelt wants to let Americans continue overusing natural resources. 

C. It is a primary source that tells us about how Theodore Roosevelt wants Americans to treat nature, like the Grand Canyon.
