October, 1929
What year and month did the Stock Market crash?
New Deal program that built dams to provide electricity in some Southern states.
What is the TVA? (Tennessee Valley Authority)
Roosevelt's "eyes and ears."
Who is Eleanor Roosevelt?
Payments by the government for a limited period of time to people who have lost their job.
What is unemployment insurance?
This politician proposed the "Share Our Wealth" plan..
Who was Huey Long?
The U.S. President when the market collapsed
Who is Herbert Hoover
These projects aimed to help helped farmers during the depression, though it was overturned by the Supreme Court
What is the Agriculture Adjustment Act?
This person was a college professor and member of Roosevelt's "Black Cabinet."
Who is Robert Weaver?
This act provided a pension for retired people
What is Social Security?
This type of government rose in Europe in the 1930's
What is fascism??
The federal agency that helped rebuild confidence in the stock market
What is the Securities and Commission Exchange (SEC)
These acts banned child labor and established a minimum wage
What is the Fair Labor Standards Act?
Member of Roosevelt's cabinet that introduced a number of reforms for Native Americans..
Who is John Collier??
About this percent of American workers were unemployed in 1932
What is 25%?
Socialists and Communists view the Great Depression as this...
What is the death of a failed system?
A system of buying and selling shares of corporations
What is the stock exchange?
These programs provided jobs to the needy.
What is work relief?
Roosevelt won election this many times for President...
What is 4??
Not meeting an obligation, such as making a loan payment on time
What is to default?
This cost Roosevelt a great deal of support with the public..
What was his court-packing plan?
Share prices were falling very rapidly, completely destroying the value of many stocks.
What was the cause of panicked selling of stocks leading to the crash of 1929?
A grant of money by the government for an action to benefit the public.
What is a subsidy??
To help him guide the nation to recovery, Franklin Roosevelt relied heavily on the advice these people...
Who is his "Brain Trust"
African American singer who gave a historic performance at the Lincoln Memorial in 1939..
Who was Marian Anderson??
Big business's view of the New Deal changed over time by doing this..
What is it gradually declined?