Variation and Prediction Intervals
Multiple Regression
After calculating the linear correlation coefficient, in order to interpret r you must fing the p-value from table A-6. If r exceeds the value from table A-6 then there is a linear correlaton.
What is Interpreting R or R.
Find the corresponding critical values. Asuming a significace level of alpha= .05, do you conclude that there is no significant linear correlation or do you conclude that there is a significant linear correlation? a. n=20, r= .502
There is a linear correlation.
Use the data given to find the regression line. x: 1,3,3,4,5,5 y: 5,3,2,2,0,1
Yhat = -1.09x+5.97
Find the coefficient of determination given r= .333
What is .111
Find the the predicted calculus grade if the score on the algebra pre-test (x1) is 24 and the high school rank is 92nd percentile. Yhat= 34.8+1.21x1+.23x2
What is 85
Algerbraically describes the relationship between two variables x and y. yhat=bsub0 + bsub1x
What is Regression Equation.
The paired data belpw consist of weights (in pounds) or discarded paper and sizes of households. x:paper: 2.41/7.57/9.55/8.82/8.72/6.96/6.83/11.42 y: household size: 2/3/3/6/4/2/1/5 Use the data to test the claim that there is a linear correlation to a .05 significance level.
There is not enough evidence to support the claim (TS: .630 and CV: .707).
Use the given data to find the regression line. x: 0,3,4,5,9,12,15,15,17,20 y: 1,7,9,11,19,24,31,31,35,41
Yhat= 2.00x+.948
Find the total variation for this data set. x: 1,2,3,5,6 y: 5,8,11,17,20
What is 154.8
This determines if your prediction/ yhat equation is usable.
What is p-value.
Amount f the variation in y that is explained by the regression line.
What is Coeffcient of Determination
For randomly selected homes recently sold in Dutchess County, New York, the living areas (in hundreds of square feet) are listed along with the annual tax amounts (in thousands of dollars). Living Area: 15/38/23/16/16/13/20/24 Taxes: 1.9/3.0/1.4/1.4/1.5/1.8/2.4/4.0 Use the data to test the claim that there is a linear correlation to a .05 significance level.
There is not sufficient evidence to support the claim. (TS: .572 and CV: .707)
Find the regression equation. Algebra: 17, 21, 11, 16, 15, 11, 24, 27, 19, 8 Calculus: 73, 66, 64, 61, 70, 71, 90, 68, 84, 52
Yhat= 1.018x+52.7
Find standard error estimate for this set of data. x: 1,2,3,5,6 y: 5,8,11,17,20
What is 0
Which is a better indicator: r^2= 76 or r^2adj= 80
What is r^2 adjusted.
A dichotomous variable with the two possibe values of 0 and 1.
What is Dummy Variable.
The following table lists per capta cigarette consumption in the US for various years, along the percentage (in percentage points) of the population admitted to mental institutions as psychiatric cases. Cigarette Consumption: 3522/3597/4171/4258/3993/3971/4042/4053 Psychiatric Admissions: .20/.22/.23/.29/.31/.33/.33/.32 Use the data to test the claim that there is a linear correlation to a .05 significance level.
There is not sufficient evidence. (CV: .707 TS: .600)
Find the best predicted value of CO given that the HC amount is .75g/m. HC: .65/.55/.72/.83/.57/.51/.43/.37 CO: 14.7/12.3/14.6/15.1/5.0/4.1/3.8/4.1
What is 14.355
Find the unexplained variance for this set of data. Temperature: -62/-41/-36/-26/-33/-56/-50/-66 Snow Depth: 21/13/12/3/6/22/14/19
What is 46.69
Would you use an equation with a p-value of .750?
What is no it is too high.
If the dummy variable is the response (y) variable, we cannot use the methods of this section, and we should use a different method known as . . .
What is Logistic Regression.
Find the values of n, Ex, Ex^2, (Ex)^2, and Exy. x: 1,1,2,3 y: 1,5,4,2
7, 9, 31, 81, 47
Find the best predicted percentage of psychiatric admissions given per capita cigarette consumption of 3650. Cigarette Consumption: 3522/3597/4171/4258/3993/3971/4042/4053 Psychiatric Admissions: .20/.22/.23/.29/.31/.33/.33/.32
What is 4525.79
For x= -50C find y hat. Temperature: -62/-41/-36/-26/-33/-56/-50/-66 Snow Depth: 21/13/12/3/6/22/14/19 Regression Line: -6.4922-.437735x
What is 15.39153
What is the regression equation for the following lists of data? A: 1/2/5/6 B: 9/7/3/2 C: 4/0/2/6
What is yhat= -.0167x3+.3x2-2.783x1+11.5