non living things in an environment
What are abiotic factors?
mosquito bites a dog
What is parasitism?
What is food.
This is how decomposers obtain energy.
What is breaking down dead plants and animals?
English: Paris, ACDC, London, Lady Gaga, Google, Oreo, Microsoft, Call of Duty, and December.
What are proper nouns?
Animals of the same species in the same place at the same time.
What is population?
Beaver builds a dam. Bird makes a nest in the dam.
What is commensalism?
interconnected food chains
What is a food web?
The key difference between producers and consumers?
How they obtain energy. Producers make their own food (energy) , consumers need to eat to obtain energy.
This is the drug that makes cigarettes addictive.
What is nicotine?
All living and non living things in an area.
What is an ecosystem?
What is when both organisms benefit from a long term relationship?
first organism in a food chain
What is a producer?
The biotic part of soil.
What is hummus?
In Mario, this power up allows the user to throw fire balls.
What is a fire flower?
Number of robins, ants, dandelions, worms, mushrooms, trees and field mice in a field at 10:00PM.
What is a community?
This is when a population grows.
When births outnumber deaths?
Three types of consumers and what they consume.
What is herbivore = plants
carnivore = meat
omnivore= plants and meat
Producers store energy in the form of
What is glucose (sugars)?
This act made westward expansion popular and more affordable. Basically encouraging US citizens to move.
What is the homestead act?
Matter cannot...
What is be created or destroyed?
These four/five things can happen when a population becomes over populated.
What is diseases spread, food becomes scarce, death, damage to the environment and animals move?
answers will vary
Population density: in an area of 25 sq feet, there are 200 ants.
What is 8 ants per sq foot.
This is a bone in the arm. But when you break it, it isn't that funny.
What is the humerus?