Where party members choose the party's candidates.
Nominating Conventions
The Cherokee's 800-mile forced march became known as the _________
Trail of Tears.
How might changes to the voting process brought about by Jacksonian Democracy affect politics in the future?
Expansion in voting might lead to elected officials who represent a broader range of the common people’s views.
What idea did the supporters of the states right's doctrine promote?
State power should be greater than federal power.
What was the Trail of Tears?
It was the Cherokees 800-mile forced March to the Indian Territory.
Favored the idea of a weak president and a strong Congress?
Whig Party
The Court ruled that the Cherokee nation was a distinct community in which the laws of Georgia had no force?
Worcester v. Georgia.
How did voting rights change in the early 1800s
It changed from only rich white men to all white men.
Why did Jackson veto the bill to renew the Second Bank of the United States?
Jackson did not believe it was constitutional.
What led to the Second Seminole War?
When the Seminoles were forced to sign a removal treaty.
Said that since the states had formed the national government, state powers should be greater than federal powers?
Nullification Crisis
The Court ruled that the national bank was constitutional?
McChulloch v. Maryland
What changes did the new western states make that allowed more people to vote?
They loosened voting requirements to let more white men vote and gave the people the right to nominate their electors.
How did the Whig Party win the election of 1840?
They emphasized Harrison’s war record and united behind him.
Why did the state of Georgia want to relocate the Cherokee, and what did the Cherokee do in response?
The found gold and the Cherokees sued the state as a response.
This period of expanding democracy in the 1820s and 1830s later became known as the ______________
Jacksonian Democracy
In 1830, authorizing the removal of Native Americans who lived east of the Mississippi River to the lands of the West?
Indian Removal Act.
Which two new political parties faced off in the election of 1828. Which candidate did each party support?
The Democratic Party and the National Republicans. The candidate for the National Republicans was John Quincy Adams. The Democratic Party's candidate was Andrew Jackson.
On what were the economies of the northern, southern, and western states based?
North: manufacturing, South: agriculture, and the West: settlement
What Native American groups were affected by the Indian Removal Act? Where were they relocated?
The Choctaw, Chickasaw, Creek, Cherokee, Fox, Sauk, and Seminole. They were relocated to the Indian Territory.
The practice of giving government jobs to political bankers.
Spoils System
Before Jackson took office, Congress placed a high tariff on imports. Angry southerns called it the _____
Tariff of Abominations.
Why did Andrew Jackson have more popular support than Adams?
Jackson was a popular war hero and was seen as a self-made man. Adams was seen as out of touch.
Daily Double: What roles did Daniel Webster and John C. Calhoun play in the nullification crisis?
Calhoun supported nullification and states’ rights, Webster opposed nullification and supported nationalism.
Why did government officials want to relocate Native Americans to the West?
They wanted to give the area from Georgia to Mississippi to white farmers.