What disease is caused by over use of steroids?
Addison's disease
Name an intermediate acting insulin
NPH, Humulin N, Vetsulin, Prozinc, Novolin N
What hormone stimulates growth and secretions of
thyroid gland?
TSH thyroid stimulating hormone
Which is the only endocrine disease that does not cause pu/pd?
What is the treatment for Addison's disease?
If an animal is diagnosed with hypothyroidism which other endocrine disease should you look out for? Why?
Diabetes because hypothyroidism can increase blood glucose by increasing GI absorption
Name the only oral diabetic medication
What disease has the following clinical signs: PU/PD, hair loss, and a pendulous abdomen
due to abnormal nutrient metabolism
Cushing's disease
How do you tell which insulin syringe to use?
It is marked on the bottle
What does radioactive iodine do?
kills the tumor cells
What is the drug of choice to treat hypothyroidism?
uncontrolled high glucose levels and is an emergency
diabetic ketoacidosis DKA
What will stimulate milk secretion and influences maternal behavior
Increased appetite, tachycardia and diarrhea are all signs of which endocrine disease?
Which oral medication should you give to to hyperthyroid patients?
Tapazole, methamazole, felimazole
What is the most common clinical signs of hypothyroidism?
decrease in coat luster,
hair loss, dry and scaly skin, lethargy, weight
gain, increased appetite and heat seeking.
Which insulin is used with cats?
PZI (long acting)
What hormone will maintain water balance in the
body by augmenting water reabsorption in the kidneys
ADH-antidiuretic hormone
What will stimulate uterine contractions during parturition and milk letdown from the mammary ducts
What is the cause of hyperthyroidism?
goiter, thyroid
Name the only endocrine disease that does not cause PU/PD?
What is the name of the tool used to test blood glucose?
Name 3 treatments for hyperthyroidism
Medication, surgical removal, radioactive iodine
Define hypothyroidism
A disease characterized by a deficiency of thyroid hormone