After the nutrients have been absorbed and carried to the body cells, metabolism occurs.
Inorganic elements found in all body tissues
In slides all body process relating to food
Nutritional status-
refers to the state of condition one’s nutrition
Excessive body weight 20 percent or more above the average recommended weight, or a BMI equal to or greater than 30
Condition in which bones become porous and break easily, which is cause of lack of calcium
Weight that is 10 to 20 percent
A rhythmic wavelike motion of the muscles.
Protein diets-
include both high and low protein diet that consist of protein rich food.
Basic of components of all body cells.
Regular diet
Balanced diet usually used for the patient with no dietary restriction.
Sodium-restricted diets
Reducing the amount of sodium intakes for patients with cardiovascular disease, kidney disease, and edema.
Soft diets
Similar to regular diet, but foods must require little chewing and be easy to digest.
Therapeutic diets
Are modifications of the normal diet and are used to improve specific health conditions.
Body weight that is 10 to 15 percent less than the average recommended weight for a person height, or a BMI less than 18.5
Organic compounds that are essential to life
A state of good nutrition and optimal body function.