What principle does self-determination derive from?
The principle of autonomy.
What are the two major legal elements of informed consent?
Information and consent.
What is the purpose of advance directives?
To ensure that wishes regarding treatment are followed if decision-making capacity is lost.
What should nurses do when patients make choices about health care practices?
Respect the patient's choices and avoid labeling them negatively.
What are some issues related to HIV/AIDS in health care?
Judgment, screening, exposure, reporting, and consent.
Name one factor that may threaten autonomy in health care settings.
Attitudes that promote the dependent role of the patient.
What is the professional practice standard for determining the adequacy of information in informed consent?
The disclosure is consistent with the standards of the profession.
What is a living will?
A legal document giving directions related to withholding or withdrawing life support if certain conditions exist.
What are complementary therapies?
Therapies such as acupuncture, herbal interventions, and relaxation techniques used alongside conventional medical treatments.
What is the ethical issue related to immunization policy?
The conflict between public health policy and personal choice.
How can autonomy be limited in health care?
By availability of resources and economic circumstances.
What must consent be free from to be considered valid?
Coercion, force, or manipulation.
What is a durable power of attorney for health care?
It allows a competent person to designate another as a surrogate to make health care decisions if they lose decision-making capacity.
What is the nurse's role regarding complementary therapies?
Recognize the patient's right to use them, become knowledgeable about them, and create an atmosphere for nonjudgmental discussion.
What is the nurse's responsibility regarding patients with substance use disorder?
Reflect on personal biases, advocate for effective pain control policies, and be knowledgeable about pain management approaches.
What is the interaction between justice and autonomy in health care?
Autonomy and justice may conflict when needs or demands for health care by autonomous patients outweigh available resources.
What is the role of cultural competence in obtaining informed consent?
Understanding that cultural differences impact patient self-determination and ensuring information is provided in a language the patient understands.
What must a patient have to make a reasonable decision regarding health care concerns?
Decision-making capacity.
What is the ethical dilemma related to abortion?
The mother's right to control her body versus the rights of the unborn fetus.
What is the importance of discussing end-of-life wishes with patients?
To ensure that patients' concerns are addressed and their wishes are followed.
What does respecting autonomy mean in terms of patient decision-making?
Engaging patients in the decision-making process and appreciating when patients want family involvement.
What is the nurse's responsibility when witnessing a patient's signature on a consent form?
Ensuring the patient is giving consent willingly, is competent, and that the signature is authentic.
What is the Patient Self-Determination Act (PSDA)?
A federal law requiring institutions receiving Medicare or Medicaid funds to provide written information to adult patients about their rights to make health care decisions.
What is the difference between active euthanasia and assisted suicide?
Active euthanasia involves someone else administering the means of death, while assisted suicide involves the patient activating the process themselves.
What is the role of the nurse in ensuring patient self-determination?
Advocating for patients, ensuring they understand their options, and supporting their autonomous decision-making.