He saw a vision of Jesus and became His follower
Every church community is composed of what kind of people?
Jesus said, “By this all people will know that you are my disciples, if you have _______for one another.”
Believers are commissioned as ambassadors of reconciliation
True or False
He was arrested with Peter and later released with a warning
The church consists of those who have been called together by The Holy Spirit from every tribe, language, _________ and _________
people and nation
What did the early Christians do?
Name 3
They went to the Jewish temple to worship
They listened to the teaching of the apostles.
They ate meals together
Some sold their property so the money could be given to those in need.
What is the Great Commission?
It is Jesus’ command to make disciples, baptize, and instruct people about all he taught.
He preached a sermon that resulted in 3,000 new beleivers
What is a church?
Name three qualities that define a church.
a group of people called out for a special purpose
a congregation
a denomination
a building where Christians meet
the followers of Christ in all places and times
What did Martin Luther do?
He kicked off the Protestant Reformation.
What are epistles?
short letters to a community or individual
He was the first to share the gospel in Samaria
What metaphors does the Bible use to describe the church? (Hint: there are three)
a temple
a holy nation
a royal priesthood
What did the Roman Emperor Constantine do?
He ended persecution of Christians by giving their religion legal status.
What were many of the Protestants who moved to America seeking?
freedom of worship
He traveled to India to share the gospel
In 1 Peter 2:9, Peter described the church and said it was called to a specific task. What was that task?
The task was “that you may proclaim the excellencies of him who called you out of darkness into his marvelous light.”
What happened on Pentecost? Must have at least 3 details
Jesus’ disciples heard the sound of rushing win
Flames appeared on the disciples’ heads.
Peter preached about Jesus.
3,000 people accepted the gospel message.
What is the largest religion on earth