This amendment allowed for the direct election of U.S. Senators.
What is the 17th Amendment?
She founded the Hull House to support immigrants and the poor.
Who is Jane Addams?
This 1906 law ensured food and drugs were correctly labeled and safe for consumption.
What is the Pure Food and Drug Act?
This movement sought to ban alcohol in the U.S.
What is the Temperance Movement?
These journalists exposed corruption and social injustices during the Progressive Era.
Who are muckrakers?
This law regulated monopolies and helped prevent unfair business practices.
What is the Sherman Antitrust Act?
He was a muckraking journalist who exposed corruption in city governments with his book The Shame of the Cities.
Who is Lincoln Steffens?
This act made it illegal for railroads to give rebates and ensured fair pricing.
What is the Elkins Act?
This constitutional amendment prohibited the manufacture, sale, and transportation of alcohol.
What is the 18th Amendment?
This government agency was created to enforce antitrust laws and protect consumers.
What is the Federal Trade Commission (FTC)?
This organization was founded to promote African American rights and end racial discrimination.
What is the NAACP?
This activist was a leading voice in the women’s suffrage movement.
Who is Susan B. Anthony?
This act allowed for government regulation of meatpacking plants.
What is the Meat Inspection Act?
This suffrage leader was instrumental in getting the 19th Amendment passed.
Who is Alice Paul?
This term describes applying Christian ethics to social issues, inspiring many Progressive reforms.
What is the Social Gospel Movement?
This Progressive president was known for his "Square Deal" policies.
Who is Theodore Roosevelt?
He helped establish the National Parks system and worked for conservation.
Who is John Muir?
This law strengthened antitrust regulations and protected labor unions.
What is the Clayton Antitrust Act?
This African American leader believed in vocational education and economic self-reliance as the path to equality.
Who is Booker T. Washington?
This 1913 act allowed the government to issue paper money and control banking reserves.
What is the Federal Reserve Act?
This economic reform introduced an income tax to replace tariffs as the main government revenue source.
What is the 16th Amendment?
She was a muckraker who wrote The History of the Standard Oil Company exposing unfair business practices.
Who is Ida Tarbell?
This act established a national banking system to regulate money supply and credit.
What is the Federal Reserve Act?
This movement pushed for better working conditions and child labor laws.
What is the Labor Movement?
This economic theory argues that businesses should be left alone by the government to regulate themselves.
What is laissez-faire?