What does present tense tell about?
action that is happening now or happens regularly
Singular present-tense verbs end in ___ or ___.
-s or -es
If there is a helping verb, it is always found ___ the main verb.
What are the present, past, and past-participle verb forms for the irregular verb catch?
catch or catches
(has, have, had) caught
What is a prefix?
a word part added t the beginning of a word that changes it to a new word with a different meaning
What does past tense tell about?
action that happened in the past
Do the subject and verb agree in this sentence?
She worry about her grades. Explain.
NO; the verb should be worries or worried
How do you write the past participle in a sentence?
(has, have, or had) + verb
What are the present, past, and past-participle verb forms for the irregular verb go?
go or goes
(has, have, had) gone
What is a suffix?
a word part added to the end of a word that changes it to a new word with a different meaning
What does future tense tell about?
action that will happen sometime in the future
Do the subject and verb agree in this sentence?
Either Joe or I eat cookies at lunch.
How do you write a present-perfect-tense verb?
has or have + past participle
What are the present, past, and past-participle verb forms for the irregular verb wear?
wear or wears
(has, have, had) worn
What is the prefix in the word improper? What does the prefix mean?
What tense is the verb in this sentence?
Kate swallowed her gum.
past tense
Do the subject and verb agree in this sentence?
Neither turtles nor a clam live on this beach. Explain.
NO; the verb should be lives following clam
How do you write past-perfect tense?
had + past participle
What are the present, past, and past-participle verb forms for the irregular verb begin?
begin or begins
(has, have, had) begun
What is the suffix in the word violinist? What does the suffix mean?
one who is or does
What tense is the verb in this sentence?
They will travel to Alaska.
future tense
the verb agrees with the subject closer to it in the sentence unless the subjects are connected by and
How do you write future-perfect tense?
will have + past participle
What are the present, past, and past-participle verb forms for the irregular verb break?
break or breaks
(has, have, had) broken
What is the suffix in the word washable? What does the suffix mean?
capable of or able to