Problem Solving
Problem Solving Strategies
Problem Solving Context/Influences

What is problem solving? 

When you want to reach a certain goal but the solution is not immediately obvious. 


What are the 2 problem solving strategies?

Algorithm and Heuristic

Algorithm is a solution that will always work.

Heuristic is a shortcut. 


What is stereotype threat?

If you belong to a group related to a negative stereotype you give into that stereotype and your performance may suffer.


What is creativity and how is it measured?

Creativity is finding solutions that are useful and the ability to generate ideas. It is measured by divergent production in terms of the number of different responses made. 


What are the 2 methods of problem solving?

Symbols can solve problems by translating the words into symbols.

Matrices can show all possible combinations in a chart/grid. 


What is the analogy approach?

using a solution to a similar problem to help in solving a newer problem


What is a fixed mindset? What is a growth mindset?

Fixed mindset is when you believe you have "fixed" abilities and no amount of effort can make you perform better.

Growth mindset is when you believe you can perform better and cultivate your intelligence and skills. 


Does the nature of creativity involve altered consciousness? 

Creativity occurs when focused attention (conscious attention) is used as well as defocussed attention (altered states of consciousness).


What are the 3 components of a problem? Explain each components

Initial state, Goal state, Obstacles

Initial state- the situation that comes up at the beginning of the problem.

Goal State- when the problem is solved

Obstacles- the restrictions in between that makes it difficult to get from initial to goal state.


What are the three types of heuristics? Define them?

Analogy approach- using solution form similar problem in the past.

Means ends heuristic- identify the "ends" you want to figure out to them figure out the "means" to reach them.


How is metacognition related to insight problems?

Regarding insight problems people experience a leap in confidence regarding our abilities.


Contrast extrinsic motivation and intrinsic motivation?

Extrinsic motivation is the desire to work on a task with a promised reward.

Instrintic motivation is the motivation to work on a task because you find it interesting, or working on a task knowing there is nothing to gain. 


What is problem representation and why is it important to have it?

Problem representation is the way you translate the elements of the problem into a different format. 

This is important since it helps in solving problems more effectively and helps in working memory representation.  


Explain the Hierarchical Tree Diagram? What is it good for? 

This tree-like figure shows various possible options when solving a problem. It is good for showing the realtionships between the different outcomes and categorized items.


What can explain stereotype threat ?

Arousal, high arousal and anxiety can influence working memory.

Cogntive load, having to suppressed thoughts that a poor performance is due.


How does extrinsic and intrinsic motivation relate to creativity?

People are often less creative when extrinsically motivated and people are more creative when intrinsically motivated. 


What makes an effective problem solver?

-A necessary initial component of understanding the problem.

-Understand the problem and read it carefully, paying attention to the small details and inconsistencies.

-Not taking the problem at face value


What are the two types of cognition approaches in problem solving? Define them?

Situated cognition approach and Embodied cognition approach.

Situated cognition approach- use information in our immediate environment for the creation of spatial representations.

Embodied cognition approach- use your ones body and motor actions to express thoughts and knowledge. 


What 5 factors influence problem solving?Define them?

Bottom up processing- emphasize stimulus information 

Top-down processing- emphasize our concepts, expectations, memory and previous knowledge.

Expertise- consistency exceptionally skill and performance on representative tasks for a particular area

Mental set- using the same method you used to solve similar problems in the past knowing you could use a different and easier method. 

Functional fixedness- the tendency to assign fixed functions to an object which causes us to fail to think about an object in a different way.


Research on intrinsic motivation results show?

Self-efficacy is related to intrinsic motivation.

Perseverance is not related to creativity.

High intrinsic motivation=greater creativity

Hight extrinsic movement= lower creativity. 
