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Wally has been suffering greatly from an emotional state that he fears is self-destructive and that keeps him from going to work. Wally might be diagnosed with __________.
What is a mental disorder?
What has become the fastest growing disorder category in America?
What is ADHD?
One of the most popular projective tests used in clinical practice is the __________.
What is Rorschach inkblot test?
A disorder in which a person experiences recurring attacks of intense fear, often with feelings of impending doom or death, accompanied by physiological symptoms such as rapid heart rate and dizziness, is called __________.
What is a panic disorder?
Myron experiences episodes of high exhilaration during which he goes on extravagant shopping sprees, makes impulsive decisions, and engages in risky sexual behaviors. These episodes are followed by extreme depression. Which disorder does Myron most likely suffer from?
What is bipolar disorder?
The major diagnostic categories of the DSM-IV indicate that __________ is a disorder that is usually first diagnosed in infancy, childhood, or adolescence.
What is attention deficit disorder?
Some critics of the DSM maintain that many diagnoses still depend on a(n) __________ about what constitutes normal behavior, as well as what constitutes a mental disorder.
What is an cultural consensus?
Standardized questionnaires requiring written responses that ask about the test taker’s behavior and feelings and typically include scales on which people are asked to rate themselves are referred to as __________ tests.
What is objective tests?
The chief characteristics of a phobia are __________.
What is exaggerated fear of a particular situation, activity, or object?
Which of the following is a biological factor involved in causing depression?
What is the presence of the 5-HTT gene?
__________ disorders would include pathological gambling, setting fires, or having violent rages.
What is impulse-control?
When a psychological instrument fails to measure what it is supposed to measure, psychologists would say that there is a problem with __________.
What is validity?
A widely used objective personality test that is organized into ten categories, or scales, covering such problems as depressions, paranoia, schizophrenia, and introversion is called the __________.
What is MMPI (Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory)?
A disorder that is often set off by a panic attack and in which the basic fear is of being away from a safe place or person is called __________.
What is agoraphobia?
A person’s life experiences can be factors in developing depression. One particular kind of experience that has a strong correlation with later depression is __________.
What is violence?
Jarrod fears leaving his apartment during daylight hours even for a short walk to get his mail. His diagnosis would most likely belong in the category of __________ disorders.
What is anxiety?
Projective tests are based on ¬¬__________.
What is psychodynamic assumptions?
The chief characteristic of generalized anxiety disorder is __________.
What is continuous, uncontrollable anxiety or worry?
Emily is overly concerned with being contaminated by germs. She washes her hands fifty times per day, wears gloves, and eats with plastic utensils that are covered in plastic wrap to ensure they are not contaminated. Emily has __________.
What is obsessive-compulsive disorder?
Beginning in adolescence, __________ are more likely than __________ to develop a ruminating, introspective style, rehearsing the reasons for their unhappiness.
What is women; men?
Natalie displays inflexible, maladaptive patterns of behavior such as stealing, lying, and cheating. Her friends and family are frustrated because she seems to feel no remorse or guilt. Natalie would most likely be diagnosed with a(n) __________ disorder.
What is personality?
Psychological tests used to infer a person’s motives, conflicts, and unconscious dynamics on the basis of the person’s interpretations of ambiguous stimuli are called __________.
What is projective test?
A disorder in which a person who has experienced a traumatic or life-threatening event experiences symptoms such as psychic numbing, reliving the trauma, sense of detachment from others, loss of interest in familiar activities and increased psychological arousal is called __________.
What is posttraumatic stress disorder?
__________ is a disorder involving disturbances in emotion, loss of interest in one’s usual activities, thoughts of hopelessness, fatigue, and loss of appetite.
What is major depression?
One of the strongest bad cognitive habits associated with depression is __________.
What is rumination?