If an animal takes in food and expels it through the same opening has what kind of digestive system? (Think back to last quarter)
Incomplete Digestive System
What organ pumps blood throughout the body?
The Heart
What is the main organ of the Respiratory System?
Our spinal cord is our biggest source of support for our bodies, as well as the main highway for our _______
Nerves/Nervous System
muscle for mechanical digestion
What organ actually absorbs the nutrients we digest into our bloodstream?
The Intestines
What is the job of the Circulatory System?
To transport nutrients and gases throughout an animal's body
What is the goal of the Respiratory System?
Exchange Oxygen and CO2
What are the benefits to having an endoskeleton
Better structure/More support
Better Mobility
scissor like mouth part
What is Filter Feeding?
Filtering microscopic particles from the water
(Sponges, etc.)
Veins carry blood toward the heart, while _______ carries blood away from the heart
What do insects use to breathe?
Hydrostatic Skeleton
branching network of tubes for respiratory system
What is the most important organ for Filtering waste in the Excretory System?
The Kidneys
Tiny vessels in Circulatory Systems that connect arteries and veins
Why do gills work so well in gas exchange for fish?
Surface Area and their Structure (Filaments)
What type of skeleton acts as a reserve of important minerals?
bloodlike fluid in open circulatory system
What is the difference between Mechanical and Chemical digestion?
Mechanical Digestion physically breaks down food (teeth)
Chemical Digestion chemically degrades down food (acid)
What is the difference between open and closed circulatory systems?
Open circulatory system uses a hemolymph (usually circulated by their own body movements)
Closed circulatory system uses blood and a heart
What organ causes our lungs to breathe as it moves?
The Diaphram
Tough bands of tissue in an exoskeleton are called _______
Name 3 things the body must keep in balance to keep homeostasis
Amount of water
Carbon Dioxide