A disciple, was sent by Jesus to heal saul.
A turning away from sin and toward God's grace. “Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is at hand” (Matthew 3:2, RSV)
A roman centurion, a Gentile who feared God.
An angel appeared to him and told him to send for peter.
A gathering of bishops from the whole Church, led by the pope, to define doctrine and resolve major issues.
Magisterial Teachings on Evangelization and Witnessing
What did Redemptoris Missio, 1 (Pope St. John Paul II) say?
“The church exists in order to evangelize.”
After seeing Jesus what did Saul do and what Sacrament did he receive.
Converted to Christian and received Baptism!
What kind of conversion is this : Conversion is just no one event but a lifelong process, “Put off your old nature… and put new nature”(Ephesians 4:22-24, RSV)
Ongoing conversion
Who saw a vision of unclean animals and heard a voice say, “Rise, _____; Kill and Eat.”
Preached at Pentecost and converted thousands (Acts 2:38-41)
Encountered opposition from some Jews, but many Gentiles believed in Christ. Established churches in these regions.
Returned to Antioch, reporting on their missionary activities and the Gentiles’ acceptance of the Gospel.
This is the 3rd Journey: True or False
False it is the First Journey
What changed about Saul's name?
He changed his name to Paul.
What kind of conversion is this : Baptism - The first and most radical conversion. Confession (Reconciliation) - ongoing renewal (CCC 1423-1424)
Sacramental Conversion
Peter visits _________ house (Breaking jewish tradition)
__________ and his household received the Holy Spirit and were baptized.
Fill in the blank!
Traveled across the Roman Empire, preaching and writing letters.
What is alike about the 2nd and 3rd Journeys of Paul
It was both to visit
Saul's story shows that?
No one is beyond God’s mercy.
“What challenges do you think the early Church faced in spreading Christianity". Name two examples:
They faced prosecution and major disacceptance while trying to practice their faith. People either were afraid or didn’t believe in the faith in which the Early Christian Community practiced. (Roman Christianity, like us.)
The first time a Gentile was baptized, marking a turning point in the Church.
Showed that salvation is for all people, regardless of ethnicity.
Who's baptism is this?
It is Cornelius
Many gave their lives rather than deny Jesus (CCC 2473)
Where and which of his journeys Does he get persecuted.
He was in Rome and it was his last Journey (4)
Paul was eventually beheaded in Rome for his faith. What is he called?
Who's tranformation's are these
At first, the apostles thought christianity was only for the jewish people.
Through divine relation, they learned that Jesus came for all people (Matthew 28:19)
Peters and Paul’s transformation
Some jewish christians wanted ______ to follow jewish laws. Paul, Barnabas, and Peter argued that faith in Christ was enough.
Fill in the Blank:
“The obligation of spreading the faith is imposed on every disciple of Christ.”
Lumen Gentium
Paul penned ________ powerful letters, known as epistles, that have left an indelible mark on the New Testament.