Section 1
Section 2
Section 3
Miss. Hall

What is a behavior?

All actions an animal performs


What is aggression?

A threatening behavior that one animal uses to gain control over one another and resources


What is a pheromone? 

a chemical released by one animal that affects the behavior of another animal of the same species


What is one thing Miss. Hall collects?

A. Skulls of naughty students

B. Stamps

C. Snow Globes

D. Toenail clippings 

Snow globes!

What is a stimulus and response? Give an example of each

Stimulus: A signal that causes an organism to react in some way 

Response: An organism's reaction to the stimulus 

ex. dropping a book-stimulus 

     jumping in a chair, or looking toward the noise



What is hibernation, what is estivation? 

Hibernation is a state of greatly reduced body activity that occurs in the winter

Estivation: is a state of greatly reduced body activity that occurs in the summer  


What is bioluminescence? 

the production of light by living organisms, that light is generated by chemical reactions that take place in the organism


How tall is Ms. Hall? (2 inches +/-)



What are the three types of conditioning? 

5 points extra for each explanation of each

Classical: Learning that involves a neutral stimulus with a response to produce a conditioned response 

Operant: Learning that involves an animal to either perform or avoid doing a certain behavior based on consequences 

Observational: Learning that involves animals observing other and mimicking their actions 


What is a courtship behavior? What is the importance of them?

Behaviors in which males and females of the same species prepare for mating. Important because it allows females to choose the best mate possible (who sings the loudest/best song)


What is the importance of pheromones

What do animals use pheromones for? (4 things)

Allows animals to communicate:

Establish territories

Locate food

Attract mates

Distinguish members of their own group from others


What other event did Miss. Hall do in college track?



What's the difference between a learned behavior and an innate behavior?

Learned is a behavior that is developed through experience and repeated practice, not passed down through DNA, and is varied due to different experiences/environments

Innate is a behavior pattern that is inborn and the animal performs the behavior perfectly the first time, it is passed through DNA, and it is the same through the entire species 


What is migration and what are the two reasons an animal may migrate?

Is a regular periodic journey of an animal from one place to another and then back again. Animals migrate for an abundance of food or a more favorable environment for reproduction


How do humans use pheromones 

They manufacture artifical pheromones and use them to make insect traps


What country was my brother in?



What are the four types of learning, and explain each.

Conditioning: Learning to connect a stimulus to a good or bad event 

Imprinting: The process in which a newly hatched birds or newborn mammal learn to follow the first object they see 

Insight: When you solve a problem or learn how to do something new by applying what you already know, without a period of trial and error. A mental process marked by a sudden and unexpected solution to a problem. 

Trial-and-error: When an animal through repeated practice learns to perform a behavior more and more skillfully.


What is the difference between benefits of group living (herds) and social group living (packs)

Social living:

  • Better predator detection
  • Cooperative hunting
  • Territory protection
  • Raising young

Herd living:

Protection because in a group an individual is less likely to eaten by a predator 


How are pheromones species specific?

Each pheromone has a unique combination of atoms, creating different chemical shapes that are specific to each species


What is my dog's name?

