positioning of a motionless body
static posture
Pes Planus
What perspective are we observing from?
In this assessment, you clients hands should be slightly outside shoulder width. Elbows and knees fully extended with hands and toes in contact with the ground.
Push up test
alignment of the body while in motion
outwardly pointing knees
Anterior tibialis
What knee movement do we see?
In the push up test, 1 rep is counted after the elbows reach this disired range of motion.
90 degrees
Moving in a biomechanically efficient manner that maximizes muscle recruitment and minimizes risk of injury.
Optimal Movement
Lower Crossed Syndrome
Name a hip adductor
adductor longus
adductor magnus
adductor brevis
Based on what we observe at the knee, hip and ankle name 1 underactive muscle.
glute maximus
glute medius
anterior tibialis
posterior tibialis
Name an assessment that assesses your clients ability to change direction.
Pro Shuttle (5-10-5)
Overhead Squat Assessment
Upper crossed syndrome is characterized by....
a forward head and protracted shoulders
Name all 4 quadriceps muslces
vastus medius
vastus intermedius
vastus lateralis
rectus femoris
Based on what we observe at the knee, hip and ankle name 1 overactive muscle.
Adductor complex
These two test assess our clients explosive ability either horizontally or vertically.
Broad Jump
Vertical Jump
This is an assessment that challednges the upper extremities and trunk during a pushing movement
Pushing assessment
inward or concave curviture of the spine
Name the hamstring complex muscles
biceps femoris
If we wanted to assess, musculature in the shoulder and neck, what perspective might I look at?
These two tests are disigned to measure maximal strength in both the lower and upper body.
Back Squat and Bench Press