what does rhin mean
what is nose
a state of mind in which there is a loss of control
what is mani
the specialist of disease
what is pathologist
the term for head
what is cephal
what is the inflammation of a vessel
what does cerebr mean
what is brain
what is desis
the specialist of the heart
what is cardiologist
the term for brain
what is cerebr
what is the suturing of the tomgue
what does cardi mean
what is heart
what is a bag like cavity
what is burso
what is the specialist of the skin
what is dermatologist
the term for soft
what is malacia
what is the softening of the heart
what does enter mean
what is intestines
this is a balloon like organ in the abdomen
what is stomach
what is the specialist of the kidneys
what is nephrologist
the term for decreasing
what is penia
what does hepat mean
what is liver
this is the largest gland in the body, weighing about 3 pounds
what is liver
the specialist of the breast
what is mastologist
the term for suture
what is rrhaphy
what is a plastic operation on the bladder